Sightings - Llanelli

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Lagoon 408 black tailed godwit, 4 Mediterranean gull, 6 shoveler, 4 tufted duck and 4 willow warbler. British Steel hide 22 black tailed godwit, greenshank, 8 redshank, 6 little egret, 2 wigeon, 6 teal, 6 shoveler, 4 tufted duck, 4 sand martin, 8 swallo

14 April 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 445 black tailed godwit, 2 spotted redshank, 5 greenshank, 42 redshank, dunlin, knot, 6 wigeon, 3 great crested grebe, 5 little egret, grey heron and Mediterranean gull. Lagoon Mediterranean gull and 16 black tailed godwit.

9 April 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Lagoon Common sandpiper, 190 black tailed godwit and 2 adult Mediterranean gull. British Steel hide Ruff, willow warbler, 300 black tailed godwit, 30 redshank, 9 greenshank, spotted redshank, 3 Mediterranean gull, 10 teal, 11 wigeon and 2 swallow. Millenn

7 April 2015

Today's wildlife sightings

Today's wildlife sightings

Millennium Wetlands 2 Mediterranean Gulls were flying over Deep Water lake and the first 4 willow warblers of the year were around the wetlands. 18 chiffchaffs and 10 cetti's warblers are now on territory. Butterflies: 7 brimstone, comma, 4 small tortois

6 April 2015



NRA scrapes A male garganey was on the pools all day. Lagoon 3 Mediterranean gull, 3 spotted redshank, 100+ redshank, 6+ greenshank and 400+ black tailed godwit.

3 April 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 2 chiffchaff, 2 red breasted merganser, great crested grebe, 2 buzzard, 263 black tailed godwit, 2 spotted redshank, 2 greenshank, 11 dunlin, 101 redshank, 3 lapwing, knot, 53 wigeon, 18 shelduck and great spotted woodpecker.

25 March 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 3 spotted redshank, 18 greenshank, 285 redshank, 315 black tailed godwit, 100+ curlew, 31 teal, 38 wigeon, 4 tufted duck, 2 pochard, 8 great crested grebe, 8 little egret and peregrine.

24 March 2015

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Lagoon An adult Mediterranean gull returned to the black headed gull breeding site today where it was seen in front of the Observatory. British Steel hide 4 spotted redshank, 10 greenshank, 18 redshank, 379 black tailed godwit, grey plover, snipe, 2 curl

10 March 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 3 buzzard, red kite, kestrel, merlin, 258 black tailed godwit, 31 lapwing, 238 wigeon, 58 shelduck, 21 teal, 16 shoveler, 19 tufted duck, 30 mallard, 12 greylag goose, water rail, 6 reed bunting, 4 bullfinch, 10 meadow pipit and

2 March 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary Spotted redshank, greenshank, 340 black tailed godwit, 14 curlew, 8 dunlin, 2 knot, 9 redshank, 75 lapwing, 160 wigeon, 32 teal, 11 shoveler, 20 tufted duck, pochard, 7 gadwall, 2 goldeneye, 7 great crested grebe, 2 brent goo

26 February 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide 4 goldeneye, 290 black tailed godwit, 2 greenshank, 70 redshank, 160 curlew, red breasted merganser, 204 wigeon, 7 tufted duck, great crested grebe, 22 reed bunting, buzzard, 3 little egret and 11 cormorant.

24 February 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide 2 goldeneye, 433 lapwing, 74 black tailed godwit, 17 curlew, 97 wigeon, 23 tufted duck, 22 teal, 12 gadwall and 2 buzzard.

19 February 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 5 goldeneye, 4 spotted redshank, 4 greenshank, 4 grey plover, 253 black-tailed godwit, 46 dunlin, 8 redshank, 8 snipe, 4 great crested grebe, 190 wigeon and kestrel.

17 February 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 4 spotted redshank, 5 greenshank, 14 redshank, 84 black tailed godwit, 275 lapwing, 12 dunlin, 6 little egret, peregrine and 2 red breasted merganser.

12 February 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 2 spotted redshank, 3 greenshank, 23 redshank, 400 golden plover, 415 black tailed godwit, 112 knot, 29 dunlin, snipe, 180 wigeon, 4 pochard, 20 tufted duck, 130 shelduck, 87 greylag goose and 8 little egret.

9 February 2015