Blog - London



Paul and Shayna, WWT London Wetland Centre learning staff, with a giant pellet Visiting my colleagues in the Education office is always a fascinating adventure. Crammed into the tiny space are the assortment of intere

12 October 2011

October Podcast - Autumn wildlife and Mark Carwardine

October Podcast - Autumn wildlife and Mark Carwardine

Mark Carwardine With the recent launch of the WWT Photography Competition, many visitors will be heading out on to the reserve armed with their cameras to capture wildlife and landscapes on film. Zoologist, wildlife p

3 October 2011

Autumn Podcast 2

Autumn Podcast 2

Waving Common Lizard - Laurence Arnold London Wetland Centre has a hard working team of volunteers who take on a variety of roles around the reserve. Loraine tells us about her role as a volunteer Tour Guide: she's be

3 October 2011

A clean bill of health

A clean bill of health

Guest blog by London Wetland Centre Volunteer Jenny Shalom Our Grounds Supervisor, Idris, with a red-breasted goose One of my favourite volunteering opportunities at the London Wetland Centre is helping with the Worl

15 September 2011

Inside the sand martin nest

Inside the sand martin nest

You can now get close-up views of sand martins nesting at the Centre thanks to two cameras at the sand martin nest bank. If you walk into the back of the bank (behind the sheltered lagoon) you can watch all the action on a large screen. Switch between a

3 August 2011

Spring at London Wetland Centre

Spring at London Wetland Centre

In our first podcast, Jamie is joined by members of the WWT London Wetland Centre Facebook group to discuss seasonal wildlife, our local peregrine pair, and wildlife photography for beginners. There's news of nesting birds at the Centre, and some tips on

3 August 2011

Swift nest boxes

Swift nest boxes

With spring definitely in the air, we've already seen most of our summer migrants return: sand martins, common terns, little ringed plovers and a variety of warblers. One bird that tends to arrive a little later in spring is the swift. In recent years swi

12 April 2011

Sustainable planting

Sustainable planting

Guest blog by London Wetland Centre's gardening expert Alwyn Craven Choosing plants for your garden can be a bewildering experience at the best of times with the huge range of plants on offer. But rather than making things even more complicated, sustaina

16 March 2011

Top five tips for wildlife gardening

Top five tips for wildlife gardening

The primroses pushing their heads above ground are a sign that it’s time to start planning your gardening calendar for the year. As well as considering the plants and shrubs that need your attention before they blossom into life, spare a thought too for

9 March 2011

The wildlife pond

The wildlife pond

Guest blog by London Wetland Centre's gardening expert Alwyn Craven As a warden at the London Wetland Centre I spend every working day around arguably the best man made ponds and aquatic habitats in the capital. Therefore I am unashamedly biased as to th

2 March 2011

Spot the scaup and unseasonal sightings

Spot the scaup and unseasonal sightings

For the past week or so a female scaup has been feeding on the reserve among the large numbers of tufted duck (see the photo taken here by Paul Gregory). Like the tufted ducks, these are diving ducks. They generally overwinter in the seas around UK coast

18 January 2011

Bittern watch

Bittern watch

Many of our visitors have been spotting bitterns on the reserve over the past week - some for the first time! Up to five have been confirmed on one day, and we're hoping the bittern released here on Christmas Eve is still out there. One of our regular vis

4 January 2011