
Wildlife sightings for 20th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 20th June 2022

Kingfisher in the reedbeds and wildside flowers opening

20 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 19th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 19th June 2022

Kingfisher, raptors and a Curlew

19 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 18th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 18th June 2022

Common Tern fishing in the main lake and Garganey on the Reservoir Lagoon

18 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 16th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 16th June 2022

Garganey still present. Norfolk Hawker dragonflies breeding and butterflies re-emerging after lull

16 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 15th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 15th June 2022

3 Garganey and many moulting waterbirds

16 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 14th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 14th June 2022

Garganey and an explosion of dragonflies

14 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 13th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 13th June 2022

Garganey pair and an influx of Lapwing

13 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 11th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 11th June 2022

Garganey on the Reservoir Lagoon and Common Tern fishing in the Main Lake

11 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 9th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 9th June 2022

Little Ringed Plover on the main lake

9 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 8th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 8th June 2022

4 Common Tern on main lake and reservoir lagoon. 1 Snipe on the marsh and Sedge Warblers with young. 2 Little Ringed Plover

8 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 7th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 7th June 2022

Garganey on the wader scrape

7 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 6th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 6th June 2022

2 Dunlin and a Redshank on the main lake. Garganey still on the reserve

6 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 5th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 5th June 2022

Garganey on main lake and Common Tern pair courting

5 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 4th June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 4th June 2022

Garganey on wader scrape, Common Terns fishing on main lake and Little Ringed Plover near WWF hide

4 June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 3rd June 2022

Wildlife sightings for 3rd June 2022

Norfolk Hawkers spotted in wildside, plus Hobby and Red Kite overhead

3 June 2022