
Wildlife sightings for 28th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 28th December 2021

3 Jack Snipe and 2 Water Pipit on the marsh, and 17 Snipe across the reserve

28 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 26th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 26th December 2021

Jack Snipe, Dunlin and Caspian Gull on the reserve

26 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 24th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 24th December 2021

Brambling on South route and 5 Jack Snipe on the grazing marsh.

24 December 2021

Amazing Wetland's Critters

Amazing Wetland's Critters

Wetlands provide a habitat for a huge diversity of animals and plants, many of which are found nowhere else. In fact, species diversity in wetlands is so great, there are a fair few species that many people have never heard of. Here are eight examples of

23 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 23rd December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 23rd December 2021

Bittern in flight this morning as it moved to the middle bay of the main lake North shore.

23 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 22nd December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 22nd December 2021

Bramblings and Siskins on the south route

22 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 21st December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 21st December 2021

Drake Smew on the main lake before moving to the grazing marsh.

21 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 20th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 20th December 2021

Dark-bellied Brent Goose on the main lake briefly mid-morning before flying off West.

20 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 19th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 19th December 2021

2 Jack Snipe showing well on the grazing marsh.

19 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 18th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 18th December 2021

Water Rail calling from across the reserve, plus Bittern and Water Pipit spotted

18 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 17th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 17th December 2021

Water Pipit, Snipe and Stonechat on the marsh. Bittern on main lake

17 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 16th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 16th December 2021

Good count of Snipe on the marsh plus Water Pipit, Bittern and Stonechat on site

16 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 15th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 15th December 2021

Bittern, Goldeneye, Pintail and Shelduck on the main lake. Lots of Snipe on the marsh plus Jack Snipe

15 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 14th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 14th December 2021

Plenty of Snipe on the marsh plus feeding Water Pipit

14 December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 13th December 2021

Wildlife sightings for 13th December 2021

Jack Snipe and 13 Common Snipe on the marsh

14 December 2021