Blog - Martin Mere
Successful grants
We have been successful in gaining over £1000 from local councillors in West Lancashire to bring care and residential home residents to Martin Mere for free which is a fantastic project for us to be involved in. Hopefully if this works well we can lo
28 March 2012
Spring is in the air
I am back now after taking a few days off. February half term was very good at the Centre but the interesting thing at the moment is that there are plenty of signs that Spring has begun. The first of the Avocets arrived back on Monday, the flamingos a
21 February 2012
An update on Wizzy the beaver
I often get asked when I walk around how Wizzy our young beaver is that we have hand reared. The answer is that he is doing very well. He is still in his own area that isn't accessible for visitors, but he is growing nicely. At the moment he is often st
10 February 2012
Lookout for us on Inside Out
I spend all day yesterday with the BBC filiming a feature for Inside Out, that will be on Monday evening at 7.30pm. It was a really great day and we do get so well with the BBC and have a fantastic working relationship with them. Tony came out as the pres
8 February 2012
Centre update
There seems to be a lot going on at the moment so I thought a would list a few interesting things happening at the centre: We have joined up to the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme which bascially means we have a commitment to allow women to breast feed at M
1 February 2012
Take part in Sport Relief
Martin Mere is a location for the Sainsbury's Sport Relief fun run on Sunday 25 March. You can do either a 1, 3 or 6 mile run on the day to raise money for Comic Relief. The run itself is going to start on the community reedbed walk and come back arou
25 January 2012
Ready, steady, cook with the Centre Manager
Tomorrow is our event in the cafe in the afternoon. I am taking part in the entertainment Ready, Steady, Cook when the guests arrive and I am dreading it! I can't cook to save my life, I can grow veg and supply all the materials but I don't think I will b
24 January 2012
Our first podcast - The secret life of swans
It has been a fantastic weekend at Martin Mere with over 2000 people coming along to the model train show. It is the model boat show net weekend so hopefully that one will be very busy as well. There seems to be so much going on at the moment, but one t
22 January 2012
Some really old pictures of Martin Mere
Our education team found a bundle of old photographs of Martin Mere in the 70s and 80s the other day so I thought I would share them with you. There are quite a few so they have been put into a PDF document to download or you can have a look at our face
21 January 2012
Meet our new Office Manager
Hi I am the new Office Manager while Belinda is on Maternity leave. My name is Lucy Copeland and previous to this role I was the receptionist at the centre. In all I have worked at Martin Mere for about 7 years, starting as a casual in the cafe. I have re
17 January 2012
A visit from the Chief Executive
WWT's Chief Executive, Martin Spray, has visited Martin Mere today to give a motivational talk to our volunteers and staff this afternoon. I spent some time with him this morning walking around the grounds with him, but he is aiming to come to each cen
11 January 2012
Updates to sightings page
I wanted to let you kow that you can now report your sightings at Martin Mere by visiting and logging public sightings, including an image if you want to. You can also use Twitter by starting
3 January 2012
How has the year been
With the end of year coming I thought it would be good to reflect on how the year has been for Martin Mere, and I am pleased to say it has been very successful. We have had about 172,000 visitors this year which is up about 15,000 from last year - mainl
29 December 2011
Budgets and meetings
Christmas is no time for me to relax, I have to get our budget forecast done for 2012 - 13 and I have a number of meetings with my manager and other directors. I had a busy two days last week with my manager going through so much at the centre. I do enj
12 December 2011
Thank you to The Mileage Company
The Mileage Company kindly sponsored 100 children from St Margarets CofE Primary School in Warrington to come to Martin Mere today to do some fun activities including meeting the otters, creating their own wetland critter, see the swans and go wild on th
24 November 2011