Blog - Martin Mere
An upcoming big event
Thank you for all of your birthday wishes - I had a nice relaxing day on my birthday and recharged the batteries so that I am ready for the next school holiday that starts in just over three weeks. We have a very big event coming up on Tuesday evening - i
5 May 2011
A Wizzy update
We had a fantastic bank holiday weekend at the Centre with almost 5000 visitors over the 4 days and I received nothing but positive comments as I walked around and talked to people. It has been mentioned to me that a number of people were also asking how
27 April 2011
The safety inspection... five days to go
I can breathe a sigh of relief this morning as the safety insepctor from the Council has been out to inspect the canoe safari and all the associated paper work and I am pleased to say everything is fine and we can open on Monday! There is still lots of ac
6 April 2011
It's all coming together: six days to go
Things are really starting to take shape at the Canoe Safari. The kiosk arrived safely yesterday and was erected - we still need to do the cladding but the electrician is in today doing work on both the kiosk and the canoe barn. The play area is being fi
5 April 2011
Planting at the canoe safari
With the opening day looming I have today been out on the Canoe Safari with some of our volunteers, planting Phragmies. There is still lots of preparation for the opening in a few weeks time, so i decided to lend a hand as the sun was shining. There have
31 March 2011
Flamingo Catch
We have recently been catching up our Chilean flamingos. Every year we struggle to breed the Chilean flamingos as they tend to lay their eggs later in the year so it is getting too cold for the chicks to survive when they hatch. So we are continually comi
22 March 2011
A visit to WWT Washington
I went to visit our Centre in Washington yesterday. I have not been to Washington for a couple of years so it was great to have a look around the Centre and see the new developments - in particular the new wetland lagoon which is a fantastic new edition t
11 March 2011
Festival of Gardening - my vegetable patch at home
March is WWT's official gardening month and we have started with displays in the concourse and this weekend we will be doing pond dipping and making mini-gardens as well as specialist tours. To add to this event, every Friday I will put on my diary what I
4 March 2011
Meetings with local businesses
I have had two fantastic meetings this morning and yesterday with Tesco and United Utilities. Myself and the Marketing Manager met with the community officer for Tesco Southport yesterday to talk about how we can work in partnership in the future - we had
3 March 2011
How many hits on the beaver cam?
Thank you for all of your comments stating how you are enjoying watching the beavers - I can't believe it has been so popular although I always hoped it would be something that would catch on. The Marketing Manager had a quick look on google analytics thi
28 February 2011
A visit from IT
Julian, our new Head of IT, and John came up from Slimbridge yesterday to have a good look around the Centre and find out our technological needs! It was a really good visit and a great opportunity to sit down and talk about problems we have with our netw
24 February 2011
Happy Valentines
Happy Valentines day to all. Visit our February Half term page to download bird mating calls and send a WWT e-card to your valentine! Last week I attended the Aviculture Meeting at Martin Mere, we discussed different incubation techniques and how to encou
14 February 2011
New arrivals & health and safety audit
I have been busy the last couple of days as the Centre has been having a Health & Safety audit. This is the first time we have had one of these at the Centre and it basically involves an independent consultant coming to look around all of our building
2 February 2011
National photography winners
The national winners were announced for our photography competition on Monday and I am pleased to say Martin Mere had two national winners. There were six categories this year and each of the nine centres winners went through to a national competition to
27 January 2011
WWT staff visit Martin Mere
I have been very busy over the last couple of days meeting with other staff from WWT centres. Yesterday our Learning officer visited Martin Mere and today both the Centre Managers and Marketing Managers from Arundel and London have come along to have a lo
25 January 2011