Blog - Martin Mere
Model boat and train show
The Centre has had a fantastic weekend. It was the Model Boat and Train Show and even though I wasn't scheduled in for work I did pop over to check that everything was running smoothly (I can never resist living on site). Amazingly on Saturday we had 832
23 January 2011
PR and radio interviews
We have been working a lot with BBC Radio Lancashire recently. Last Thursday we had the afternoon show with John Gillmore live from the Centre and I did 2 interviews as well as a vast array of staff being interviewed, and Brett from the drive time show al
18 January 2011
A day outside
I have spent the day helping the outside team today. They are still struggling since the cold weather and they have an amazing amount of work to do includinig catching up the birds that we are still treating for frost bite every two days for treatment. So
12 January 2011
Almost 1000 Twitter members
It should be an exciting this week as we curerntly have 985 followers on Twitter and I hoping to reach the 1000 mark. Our Twitter account is WWTMartinMere and we provide wildlife updates as well as details of what is happening at the Centre - so please,
10 January 2011
The new year begins
I would like to wish everyone a very happy new year and all the best for 2011. I had a lovely Christmas and New Year, mainly spending it with my family and close friends - I do enjoy this holiday as it is a time when you can properly relax. But now the sn
2 January 2011