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Greenland White-front

Greenland White-front

Starting the day with fairly murky conditions with rain showers and a westerly wind. A Greenland White-fronted Goose was found with Pink-footed Geese on Sunley's Marsh this morning. It's likely that this is the same bird seen yesterday at Marshside RSPB.

16 September 2018

Pink-foot Arrivals

Pink-foot Arrivals

After yesterday's small influx the numbers of Pink-footed Geese has increased again with numerous small parties dropping in on the reserve throughout the morning. At least 900 birds were present mid afternoon. The first la

15 September 2018

Trickle of Pink-feet

Trickle of Pink-feet

Rain showers moving through and fairly breezy westerly. Small numbers of newly arrived Pink-footed Geese were dropping in this morning with 150+ on the reserve, up from a count of 80 yesterday. By the end of the afternoon the flock was around 300.

14 September 2018

Geese events

Geese events

Pink Footed Geese swimming on a lake at Martin Mere Over the next couple of weeks there will soon be the familiar sound of geese passing overhead – yes Autumn has officially begun, and WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre

12 September 2018

Marsh Harriers

Marsh Harriers

As is usual for this time of year the reserve currently has up to 5 different Marsh Harriers including a sub adult male which has been giving great views at times. Also briefly yesterday was a ringtail Hen Harrier seen from Ron Barker Hide, presumably the

11 September 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A brief selection of Sunday's highlights. A minimum of 4 Marsh Harrier hunting around the reserve, 3 Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. More Snipe arriving with 100+ present, 400+ Lapwing, 60 Ruff, 4 Ringed Plover, Green Sandpiper and 2 Dunlin. Pink-footed

9 September 2018

Short Eared Owl

Short Eared Owl

A fabulous Short-eared Owl graced the reserve late afternoon and was showing well at times from Ron Barker Hide, also visible from most of the other hides at times. At least 2 Marsh Harriers and 2 Peregrine were the best of the raptors.

8 September 2018

Latest Sighting

Latest Sighting

A damp start and a cool fresh WNW wind throughout the day. A small group of 6 Dunlin were new in. At least 300 Lapwing, 30+ Snipe, 20+ Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher and Green Sandpiper. Lapwing in front of t

7 September 2018

Animal Magic

Animal Magic

WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre is flying open it’s doors on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September for the annual wildlife spectacular: Animal Magic. Working with Exotic Zoo, regularly featured on Blue Peter, Animal Magic is the centres most popular family

6 September 2018

Temminck's Return

Temminck's Return

After an absence of two days the juvenile Temminck's Stint returned to feeding on Vinson's Marsh late morning. There are a few pools on the reserve which can't be seen, so it's possible the bird had been lying low there. The day started off with some ligh

6 September 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A chilly but bright start to the day with some autumn mist hanging over the reserve. The ringtail Hen Harrier was seen again this morning interacting with Marsh Harrier. At least two Marsh Harrier today, Peregrine, 3 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

5 September 2018

Pink-footed Arrivals and Hen Harrier again

Pink-footed Arrivals and Hen Harrier again

Late afternoon and the sound of Pink-footed Geese dropping in makes for a good end to the day and doubled the number recent seen on the reserve. Twenty six birds could easily end up as 26,000 by the end of the month A

4 September 2018

Hen Harrier and other birds

Hen Harrier and other birds

A rain front drifted through this morning making viewing slightly murky before clearing around midday.  As wader migration is in full swing such conditions can mean new birds turning up in poor weather. Yesterday's Hen Harrier was still present giving

3 September 2018

Eight Species of Raptor

Eight Species of Raptor

The juvenile Temminck's Stint is still present today, attracting a steady stream of admirers. The bird has been spending most of it's time on Vinson's Marsh. Juvenile Temminck's Stint are unusual on passage at WWT Martin M

2 September 2018

Temminck's Stint still present

Temminck's Stint still present

Temminck's Stint still present on Sunley's Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide. Temminck's Stint. (Back of the camera shots) At least two Marsh Harrier hunting around the reserve. Also 3 Buzzard and 2 Kestrel. Lapwing numb

1 September 2018