Temminck's Stint
A Temminck's Stint which was also present yesterday and thought to be a Baird's Sandpiper at one point, eventually showed well and is still present if a little distant at times from Ron Barker Hide on Vinson's. More regularly encountered in spring in UK i
31 August 2018
Pink-footed Geese!
The main news of the day was the first returning family group of Pink-footed Geese, and what a large family, 2 adults and 5 juveniles flew in high from the north at 10.30 this morning circled the Mere before dropping down on to Woodend Marsh. Later they w
30 August 2018
New Learn Zone
WWT Martin Mere launches new Learning Zone website for teachers planning ‘wild’ trips Teachers planning immersive, educational trips in the natural environment now have an invaluable resource at their fingertips, WWT Martin Mere’s NEW Learning Zone
30 August 2018
A Hobby, probably a juvenile bird was seen mid afternoon being chased by a crow over the reserve, also an adult Peregrine was seen in the morning and a Marsh Harrier this afternoon also plenty of Common Buzzard sightings along with Kestrel and Sparrowhawk
29 August 2018
Garden Warbler
A Garden Warbler was seen along the community reedbed trail near the open barn this morning, also a male Blackcap by Kingfisher Hide. A group of 3 Yellow Wagtail were on the recently scraped out pool from UU Hide late morning. A juvenile Mediterranean Gu
28 August 2018
The first Merlin of the autumn was seen over the Mere and then later from Ron Barker hide, also a Peregrine and 2-3 Sparrowhawk including two birds sat together. A Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 24 Ruff, 300 Lapwing and 20+ Snipe were counted on s
26 August 2018
A few sightings of at least 1 Hobby a 2nd cal yr bird today, also the large juv female Peregrine was seen chasing a Snipe on site. A juv Marsh Harrier has been seen a few times around the reserve today as well Buzzard, Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.
25 August 2018
Med Gulls & Little Gull
An influx of Gulls to the Mere mid afternoon contained 3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 juvs, 1 adult) also the sub adult Little Gull from the other day was in the same flock before a big rainstorm came through, the flock flushed again and no further sign of th
23 August 2018
Wader migration
Pectoral Sandpiper at Slimbridge This week, a rare American visitor dropped into WWT Martin Mere in the form of a pectoral sandpiper. The bird dropped into the mere on Monday amid all the rainy weather and attracted a
23 August 2018
NW Bird Festival
Whooper Swans on a very calm mere at Martin Mere See over 70 species of wild bird as well as special guest speakers TV presenters George McGavin and Miranda Krestovnikoff, wildlife photographer Alan Hewitt, the Orchid
23 August 2018
Little Gull
Sadly no sign of the Pectoral Sandpiper today despite a few observers on site looking for it. The best bird of the day was a sub adult Little Gull on the Mere briefly in the morning before being flushed by a Peregrine and wasn't seen afterwards. At least
22 August 2018
Pectoral Sandpiper
The highlight of the day was the discovery of an adult or 2nd cal year Pectoral Sandpiper early afternoon on Sunley's viewable from Ron Barker Hide. This North American wader is an almost annual visitor to the reserve but this is the first record this ye
21 August 2018
At least 1 Hobby sighting today, possibly 2 from Ron Barker Hide, also the juv Marsh Harrier is still around and showing well at times. Still small numbers of Black-tailed Godwit and Ruff this morning including juveniles of both, c500 Lapwing and good nu
18 August 2018
Recent Sightings
The juvenile Marsh Harrier has been giving good views over the last few days, also a large juvenile female Peregrine has been keeping the resident birds on edge with it's appearance. Up to 4 different Sparrowhawks have been noted along with the usual Buzz
17 August 2018
Bird News
Few reports today, but from the Ron Barker hide , 2 Marsh Harriers, a Greenshank, at least 4 Green Sandpipers, 2 Kingfishers and a Sparrowhawk. Also good numbers of Ruff, Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit and Snipe, although no actual counts received.
14 August 2018