Sightings - Martin Mere

Latest Sightings
Plenty of waders are enjoying the mud on the mere at the moment, black tailed godwits are often feeding there now along with groups of ruff and lapwings. 4 redshank joined them yesterday along with 3 dunlin. Woodend marsh is also doing well for waders cur
17 July 2023

Latest Sightings
On the 10th July, a WeBS survey was conducted throughout the site. Although the conditions proved not to be great, it was lovely weather for ducks. This was reflected in the number of Mallards recorded which came in at an overall total of 542. Other speci
11 July 2023

Latest Sightings
Spoonbills is the highlight this week with 4 arriving on Tuesday and sitting on Woodend marsh, viewable from the United Utilities hide, Rees, Tomlinson and Gordon Taylor. The mud on the pools has been attracting lots of waders with 2 Common Sandpipers in
6 July 2023

Latest Sightings
The marsh harriers are putting on quite a show on top mere at the moment, as are the pair in the reedbed. The males often seen hunting over much of the reserve and showing well quite frequently. Sticking with the theme of raptors, a peregrine has been see
30 June 2023

Latest sightings
Another great day for waders at Martin Mere. Most days this week we've seen upto 10 species on wader on site. Todays highlights include Ron Barker Wood sandpiperGlossy Ibis (showing well on Sunleys (right pool) in the flooded grassy edges)HobbyHummingbir
22 June 2023

Latest Sightings
We've had some great waders on the reserve over the past few days! 3 spotted redshanks turned up on Vinson's marsh last Thursday evening and now seem to be spread across the mere, Vinson's and Woodend marsh. A wood sandpiper was showing well on Woodend ma
19 June 2023

Latest Sightings
The common tern eggs have started hatching! We have twenty pairs nesting on the mere, each with 2-4 eggs so there should be plenty in the coming weeks. You can watch the adults flying past Ron Barker, fishing along the waterways and carrying back smaller
13 June 2023

Latest Sightings
There has been a black tern roosting on the mere this week. Black terns are most commonly seen when easterly winds blow them off course on their migration from Africa to continental breeding grounds. Black terns used to be abundant breeders in the UK unti
5 June 2023

Latest Sightings
The quail have continued to be very vocal out in the fields throughout the day with 2 being heard regularly. They are calling from a field called twigbit which is about 600m from the Tomlinson hide which is the best place to hear them.The bee orchids are
29 May 2023

Latest Sightings
2 Temminck's Stints now feeding on woodend marsh. From the 22nd May we've had 1 but today a second has turned up the best views are either from the Rees hide or the Tomlinson hide. We have at least 1 Quail calling on the reserve and can be heard when you
25 May 2023

latest sightings
Plenty of excitement following the black-winged stilt last week, although it only stayed for the day we didn't have to wait long for another rarity. News broke yesterday of a great reed warbler in the small reed bed in front of united utilities hide. Alth
22 May 2023

Black-winged stilt
The best bird of today was a Black-winged Stilt seen from the Ron Barker it flew at 1pm towards woodend marsh and has been refound at the back of the Mere at 14:50. The photo here was taken by John Napier tday at the Ron Barker hide. Looking back through
15 May 2023

Latest Sightings
Breeding season is well underway, with more and more eggs and chicks cropping up every day. We surveyed the mere for black headed gull nests today: there was a total of 591 nests and 1140 eggs! The islands were also crawling with chicks, some just hatched
11 May 2023

Latest Sightings
Plenty of activity on the reserve currently with new arrivals and lots of activity from breeding birds. The mere is constantly busy with black-headed gulls that are sitting on nests and in amongst them there is often the odd Mediterranean gull or two. One
4 May 2023

Latest Sightings
The reed bed is now alive with warblers. The first grasshopper warbler was heard yesterday and the sedge and reed warblers are growing in numbers. A whitethroat was seen near Gordon Taylor hide yesterday. Blackcaps have been heard along the nature trail.T
27 April 2023