Sightings - Martin Mere

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A hobby was seen flying over the carpark on Tuesday.

3 June 2021

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Finally some hot weather has arrived and it is really bringing out the wildlife. This week we have begun to see our first avocet chicks out on The Mere and Woodend Marsh. Two Mediterranean Gulls have been hanging around on the mere within the Black Headed

31 May 2021

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Latest Sightings

A pair of blackcap have been seen regularly on the path leading to Ron Barker hide this week. A pair of roe deer were seen very close to the Kingfisher hide this morning, with stoats also seen throughout the reserve.Plenty of downy ducklings and goslings

27 May 2021

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Latest Sightings

There are currently at least 4 common tern on the Mere. A Peregrine was spotted flying over Ashtons on Friday. There are a pair of linnets that have been gathering nesting material on the roof of Ron Barker.Notable sightings from yesterdays WeBS survey:Wi

25 May 2021

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Latest Sightings

Yesterday two spoon bills were out enjoying the sun outside the Ron Barker Hide. Also, at Ron Barker there was a female Linnet showing well from the roof of the hide and a Mediterranean gull among the black headed gulls earlier in the day. There have been

20 May 2021

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Our hides have reopened to the public starting today. The black-headed gulls on the mere have had many chicks hatch over the last week, they should be visible on the islands and rafts.

17 May 2021

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Two tawny owl chicks have fledged and are visible during the day from the canoe safari.

13 May 2021

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The first cuckoos of the year have been spotted and heard calling on the reserve. (Photo: Glyn Jones) Two tawny owls have been spotted on site.

10 May 2021

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Latest Sightings

A great white egret was seen on Woodend Marsh yesterday. Barn owls and marsh harriers are seen daily throughout the reserve. (Photo: Jimmy Taylor)Look out for ducklings and goslings with their parents throughout the reserve.Along the nature trail, see if

6 May 2021

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Latest Sightings

Over the weekend there were 2 common gulls spotted in front of the Ron Barker hide and another out on the Mere. Also on the Mere, 5 common terns were seen sitting on one of the islands (bit rude of them not to use our lovely new tern rafts). Swifts have s

3 May 2021

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Latest Sightings

Three Common terns flew over the reserve yesterday, keep an eye out on the Mere and Woodend Marsh for them. A couple of hobbies were spotted over the reed bed. There have been a lot of willow warblers all around the reserve. Lots of birds have started sit

29 April 2021

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Latest Sightings

On the Mere black-headed gulls have started nesting on the islands and banks. Also, sand martins can be seen catching insects over head. A great white egret has been spotted on Plover Field. On the canoe safari a wood warbler has been spotted singing in t

26 April 2021

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The reedbed walk is alive with the songs of warblers; with blackcaps, chiffchaff, cetti's, reed, sedge, willow and grasshopper warblers all audible. Two pairs of linnets also have been seen, one on the reedbed and another near Gordon Taylor hide.

22 April 2021

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Latest Sightings

A tawny owl was seen over the weekend, roosting in a tree along the walk to Ron Barker hide. Barn owls and marsh harrier seen daily. Our reserve team have been up early conducting the yearly Breeding Birds Survey highlights include:

20 April 2021

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Highlights from the monthly Wetland Birds Survey conducted by our reserve team include: 76 Shoveler 12 Gadwall 21 Tufted duck 31 Lapwing 17 Black-tailed Godwit 12 Oystercatcher 19 Avocet 6 Redshank 1 Common Sandpiper 3 Ringed Plover 4 Mediterr

15 April 2021