Sightings - Martin Mere

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Over Woodend and Langley's Barn owls and a short-eared owl have been spotted hunting. Black-tailed godwits and ruff have been spotted closer to the hides than normal due to the cold weather and frozen ground.Reed buntings Pairs of Stonechats can be seen p

7 January 2021

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Latest Sightings

2 Peregrines were spotted around the Mere. There has also been a large number of Whooper swans around the reserve probably due to the colder weather. Lots of snipe have been seen around Woodend Marsh. Great white egrets have been seen in the sluice along

5 January 2021

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Latest sightings

A beautiful frosty day on the reserve today with temperatures on the weather station last night recording -6.3C. We had some exciting visitors last night 2 Black swans on the Mere this morning one had a green colour ring they have escaped from somewhere a

2 January 2021

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Latest sightings

All of us on the reseve team are looking forward to welcoming in the new year and starting the Martin Mere patch list again. 2020 has been a rubbish year for many thing but we have had some great sightings. Highlights include rarities for the site - 2 C

30 December 2020

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Latest sightings

A beautiful frosty day on the reserve, its cold but stunning skies. The Mere is full of wildfowl and waders. Highlights today include 5 Marsh harriers, 3 Buzzzards, Raven, Merlin, Peregrine, Curlew, Oystercatchers, 49 Ruff, Lapwing, 3 Stonechats, 9 Cett

28 December 2020

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Latest Sightings

6+ Marsh harriers have been spotted around the site along with kestrels, barn owls and sparrowhawks. Around the edges of the mere there are ruff, oystercatchers, snipe and black-tailed godwits and large deceits of lapwing which will take to the sky when a

16 December 2020

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Latest Sightings

Keep an eye out for a sparrowhawk that has been spotted around the grounds this week. As it's getting dark just before closing time there may be barn owls taking advantage of the early dusk, especially around Woodend Marsh and the Harrier Hide. Around the

14 December 2020

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Latest Sightings

Hides remain closed here at Martin Mere, however the Mere is still visible through the outdoor viewing platforms along the nature trail, look out for ruff, black-tailed godwits and oystercatcher that are often​ seen foraging at the edge of the Mere.

3 December 2020

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Latest Sightings

Today in the reedbed we had 9 cetti's warblers so it's worth listening out for their signature call. On the Mere there were plenty of whooper swans, pink-footed geese, pintail, shelduck, wigeon and teal along with waders such as lapwing, curlew, ruff and

30 November 2020

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Latest Sightings

Raptors came out in force today with at least 5 marsh harriers and a few peregrines. on the Mere there were pochard and 33 ruff. Latest dawn count shows 742 whooper swans and 4593 pink-footed geese.

26 November 2020

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Latest Sightings

The Egyptian geese have been sighted again, with 6 seen by the mere yesterday morning. See if you can spot them from the viewing platforms along the nature trail among our many other wildfowl.

24 November 2020

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Latest sightings

The recent cold snap has increased the number of birds on the reserve. Amazing photo by Neil Fleming of a short eared owl flying over the reedbed. The bearded tits are still being very elusive in the reedbed and only heard this week. Still lots of birds o

22 November 2020

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Latest Sightings

Trees are being cleared on the nature trail today, a diversion has been set up through the grounds to harrier hide. Grey wagtails and a little egret are showing well along the diverted route.

19 November 2020

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Latest Sightings

Pochard, pintail and ruff showing very well on the Mere, with 4 swan geese sighted among the canada and greylag geese. Listen out for cetti's warblers that are still calling from bramble patches on the reedbed walk.

16 November 2020

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Latest sightings

Due to the lockdown we have had to close our hides but there is still lots to enjoy along the nature trail. Head down towards the Harrier Hide and get great views of Wigeon, Pintail, Mallard, Teal, lapwing and Shelduck from the screens, if you look later

12 November 2020