Sightings - Martin Mere

Sunday Update
Overcast today with light rain early on. Saturday provided a weather opportunity for the arrival of 1000's of Pink-footed Geese and the highest count of the autumn so far of Whooper Swan, 127 counted late on yesterday. Not just Whooper Swan turning up a m
13 October 2019

Latest Sightings
Another day when the weather wasn't really playing ball early on. Nevertheless anyone visiting the reserve will still come away a great selection of birds, 50-60 species in a days birding. Good on the raptor front again with highlights including a Merlin
11 October 2019

Late Hobby
A fairly wild start to the day weather wise, squally showers blowing through. A good raptor day yesterday; a late adult Hobby showed well from the United Utilities Hide and over the Grounds. Also 6 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 4+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 1+ S
9 October 2019

Recent Sightings
Wildfowl numbers increasing on the Mere with 70 Shoveler, 500 Teal (c1000 on site), 45 Pintail, 24 Tufted Duck, 8 Pochard and 500 Mallard. Lots of Pink-footed Geese in and out today with a few thousand in Plover Field on and off throughout the day. At lea
6 October 2019

Bearded Tit
Two Bearded Tit were seen in front of the Harrier Hide just after 10am, there are some grit tables just to the right of the hide which the birds maybe using to help crush up seeds as they transition from insect food to seeds in the autumn.A group of 11 Du
4 October 2019

Whooper Swans
Whooper Swans building up nicely with at least 44 counted on the Mere today, also last night over 20,000 Pink-footed Geese came into roost! A few more Pintail on the Mere including a male almost fully out of eclipse plumage looking as elegant as ever.A 2n
3 October 2019

Wednesday Newsflash !!
After an early "false start" last week when 2 birds flew over, the first Whooper Swans of the season finally arrived back at Martin Mere this morning, with 20 birds on the Mere by lunchtime.Also on the Mere today, Kingfisher and 5,000+ Pink-footed Geese.F
2 October 2019

Monday's Sightings
Lovely start to the day after yesterday non-stop rain. Currently the grounds are closed but no problems for access to the hides and nature trails..Water levels are high across the reserve and Plover Field/Ashtons/Owl Marsh look fantastic with newly floode
30 September 2019

Great Weather for Snipe
No shortage of rain in the past 24 hours and more to come in the next 48. Water levels have risen a good deal already, watch this space.. On the up side it's been great watching large flocks of Snipe flying around in the rain. It's almost as if they celeb
29 September 2019

Latest Sightings
Few reports on an awful day weather wise which didn't turn up many new birds and few sightings reported. Despite the weather birds reported included 3 Pintail on the Mere along with 200 Teal and 8 Wigeon and 15 Shoveler and 2 Mute Swans.4000+ Pink-footed
27 September 2019

Willow Tit
The Willow Tit continues to show, Peregrine performing well, lots of Pink-footed Geese and a few Migrant Hawker Dragonflies - Photo by Jim Bevin
26 September 2019

200+ Snipe
After yesterday's non stop rain today looks like a far better proposition. It's been a good few weeks for Snipe on the reserve with at least 200 present around the site including individual counts of 119 on the Mere and 65 from the Harrier Hide.Pink-foote
25 September 2019

Latest Sightings
Pink-footed Geese numbers increased to around 10,000. Good numbers on and off the reserve throughout the day. Three Greenshank flew in early afternoon. Other waders included 1000 Lapwing, 150+ Snipe, 14 Ruff, 8 Black-tailed Godwit and 3 Green Sandpiper.Se
23 September 2019

First Whooper Swans
Blue skies and very mild with a brisk easterly. Tomorrow's change in the weather looks interesting as a rain front comes in from the south west, maybe some waders will be dropped in? Two Whooper Swan flew over the reserve early afternoon. These are the fi
21 September 2019

Too Sunny?
With autumn migration now in full swing there is a question that regularly pops up in conversations, 'is the weather too nice?' Well there is always a fine balance between wind/lashing rain and wall to wall windless sunshine and currently we are getting a
19 September 2019