Sightings - Martin Mere

4400 Pink-footed Geese
The Pink-footed Geese numbers are gradually building with 4400 in this mornings roost. Current airflows over Iceland look like stopping a big influx for the next 7-10 days or so, although birds currently in Scotland will come south as birds from here move
18 September 2019

A murky drizzly day on and off promised more than it delivered, despite that plenty of birds to be seen and slowly increasing numbers of wildfowl and a Whimbrel was new in.
15 September 2019

Little Stint
A gorgeous autumn day with a little visible migration overhead and plenty of birds
14 September 2019

Friday update
Pink-footed Goose numbers up slightly today, with at least 2,000 birds present early evening, although numbers can be very difficult to estimate and there may be many more.At least 2 Green Sandpipers, a Greenshank 2 Little Ringed Plovers, and 30+ Ruff alo
13 September 2019

Migration Arrivals
A sunny start with freshening winds later on. An early morning count of 1600 Pink-footed Geese was exceptional on such an early date. We can expect the numbers to increase considerably in the next few weeks if a sustained North Westerly airflow comes out
10 September 2019

Sunday's Sightings
A lovely start to the day, sunshine and light winds and more Pink-footed Geese (below) arriving, 800 on Plover Field this morning. A flock of at least 8 Bearded Reedling were 'pinging' in the Reedbed, including two young males a sign of successful breedi
8 September 2019

Spot Red & Pinkfeet
A fantastic autumn day on site with the sound of Pinkfeet filling the air on and off all day also a Spotted Redshank was on the Mere
7 September 2019

Pink-footed Geese
A good arrival of Pinkfeet the major highlight of the day, also good numbers of Yellow Wagtail still
3 September 2019

Willow Tit & Hobby
The Willow Tit continues to show occasionally at the Janet Kear feeding station, but can be missing for some time, patience is required.A group of 3 Avocet were on Woodend Marsh today along with 2 Ringed Plover. A Greenshank was on the Mere and from Ron B
1 September 2019

Yellow Wags & Hobby
A nice group of 19 Yellow Wagtail were on view from Ron Barker this afternoon and a Water Rail also still 2000+ Black-tailed Godwit from here. On the Mere 2 Greenshank and 2 Green Sandpiper with another one at Hale Hide. Plenty of Snipe still around as we
31 August 2019

Pinkfeet & Otters
A few new Pink-footed Geese in today but probably local birds plus Otters showing again and the Willow Tit continues to visit the Janet Kear feeding station. Otter photo by John Watson
28 August 2019

First Pintail of Autumn
Still no sign of the Dowitcher but the first 2 Pintail of the Autumn and a few other new sightings, all photos by Tony Disley
27 August 2019

Turnstones & Garganey
No sign of the Dowitcher today but Turnstones and a showy Garganey, Turnstone and Garganey photo's by Tony Disley
26 August 2019

Dowitcher showing well
The Dowitcher performed very well on the Mere at closer range than usual until early afternoon, Dowitcher photos by Tony Disley
25 August 2019

Dowitcher & Great White Egret
The Long-billed Dowitcher is still present on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide, it can go missing for quite a while but normally reappears on and off.Good numbers of Snipe around with at least 150 this morning, also 20+ Ruff, 2 Green Sandpiper, 2000+ B
24 August 2019