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Sightings - Martin Mere

Great White Egret

Great White Egret

A Great White Egret was seen in flight from the Reedbed walk area in the morning which is the first sighting of the year of this species, also at least 2 Little Egret around today. The other first sighting was of a Hobby in flight over Vinson's Marsh from

18 June 2019

Common Terns

Common Terns

The Common Terns nesting on the Mere this year so far seem to be doing very well with the second pair hatching at least 2 chicks this morning, so that's at least 5 chicks on that island and another pair hopefully to hatch more young on the second island.T

17 June 2019

Breeding Bearded Reedlings!

Breeding Bearded Reedlings!

The outstanding news today concerns the first confirmed breeding of Bearded Reedlings on the reserve and also the first breeding in Lancashire away from the Leighton Moss/Barrow Scout area! A female was caught and ringed in the Reedbed walk area this morn

15 June 2019

More Med Gulls

More Med Gulls

More Mediterranean Gulls on the Mere with at least 5 birds today, 2 pair of adults and a 1st sum/2nd cal year. One pair were actively looking around for nesting sites among the Black-headed gull colony, were there are lots of young Black-headed Gulls from

12 June 2019

Black-necked Grebe

Black-necked Grebe

A fabulous breeding plumage Black-necked Grebe was the highlight of the day, present all day on the Mere and showing very well. This is either the 4th or 5th record for the reserve.Other sightings included the usual Marsh Harrier that has been with us for

5 June 2019



A quiet day for new sightings but plenty of new chicks hatching everyday as well as plenty more yet to hatch. Two pair of Common Tern are currently sitting on eggs on the Mere which is the first time they have bred on the Mere.Another 4 Avocet chicks hatc

4 June 2019

Spoonbill & Spotted Flycatcher

Spoonbill & Spotted Flycatcher

An excellent day on site with two new birds for the year, a Spotted Flycatcher that was seen and photographed near Kingfisher Hide but wasn't seen after initial sighting. Then a Spoonbill was seen flying towards Ron Barker area where it landed on Sunley's

3 June 2019

The day of the Knot

The day of the Knot

A fantastic large flock of 180 Knot appeared in flight mid afternoon over Ron Barker area before settling down on Woodend Marsh viewed from UU Hide. This count smashes the previous site record of 32 in August 2007, and could also be a contender for the la

1 June 2019



A Sanderling was on Woodend Marsh this morning also a good count of 196 Black-tailed Godwit. Newly hatched broods of young chicks are appearing daily including two broods of 2 & 4 Pochard from Ron Barker Hide today.Two pairs of Great Crested Grebe with yo

30 May 2019

Tuesday's Sightings

Tuesday's Sightings

Starting off with a rare sighting of the Bearded Reedling this morning when a female popped up in the Reed Bed briefly before moving off. Out on Woodend Marsh; 93 Black-tailed Godwit, two pair of Avocet now have chicks, 2 Little Ringed Plover. Three pa

28 May 2019



Sanderling moulting into breeding plumage on Woodend Marsh this morning, viewed from the banking. At least one tundra race Ringed Plover there too. Sixty eight Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Redshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 8+ Avocet, Oystercatcher and Lapwing

27 May 2019

Record Count!

Record Count!

Wind and rain to start the day followed by wind and sunshine! Classic condition to drop some waders in and low and behold in they came. A flock of 26 Ringed Plover were on Woodend Marsh with a record flock of 8 Sanderling breaking the previous record of 7

26 May 2019

First Avocet chicks

First Avocet chicks

First Avocet chicks of the year are out and about. Two on Woodend Marsh this morning and 2 along the back of the Mere. Around 70 Black-tailed Godwit out on Woodend. Also there Dunlin, 10+ Avocet, 2 Little Ringed Plover, Lapwings, and Redshank. Common Sand

24 May 2019

Breeding Birds

Breeding Birds

We surveyed the Avocets yesterday and counted 20 nests across the site. The nest boxes are doing well, we have 6 Blue Tit broods (totalling 47 chicks),1 Great Tit brood (6 chicks) and the Tree Sparrows are doing well with 15 chicks already fledged,

22 May 2019

Tuesday Update

Tuesday Update

Two pair of Common Tern on the Mere. Small numbers of Gadwall there this morning, also a pair of Wigeon. At least 20 Avocet and 2 Little Ringed Plover also on the Mere. Good views of Pied Wagtail coming into feed in front of the Discovery Hide. Out on Wo

21 May 2019