Sightings - Martin Mere

Hen Harrier
A ringtail Hen Harrier has been seen again this afternoon from Ron Barker Hide. Other sightings today include a Little Ringed Plover on the far side of the Mere which was also present yesterday. Good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit with at least 110 around
4 April 2019

Sunday Sightings
A brief update. See previous few days for a fuller picture. First Blackcap of the year, a male singing near the Kingfisher Hide.A flock of c.70 Whooper Swan still present.At least 9 Sand Martin through.At least 6 Med Gull present on the Mere.
31 March 2019

Saturday Sightings
Some good birding at the start of the day out on the perimeter of the reserve. This outer path can be accessed before the reserve opens by parking in the Car Park (8am onward, note the Car Park closes 6pm from tomorrow).The first Green Sandpiper of the ye
30 March 2019

Common Scoter
A pair of Common Scoter spent yesterday on the Mere, but, not surprisingly, moved on overnight.Still lots of wildfowl on the Mere though, with Whooper Swan, Shoveller, Pintail, Wigeon, Teal, Goldeneye (including 1 male) and Tufted Duck constantly on view.
29 March 2019

Little Ringed Plover
Another chilly start, overcast, brighter later. As predicted in the last sightings report our first Little Ringed Plover arrived yesterday feeding along the back of the Mere before being chased off by the resident Ringed Plover. Little Ringed Plover regul
27 March 2019

First Wheatear of the Year
Barely a cloud in the sky but a chilly wind in the hides. The exodus of wildfowl continues although it is still possible to see the vast majority of wintering species in smaller numbers. The first Wheatear of the year seen by the wardens on Outer Vinson's
25 March 2019

Farmland Birds
An early morning walk around the edge of the reserve produced the first Grey Partridge (2) of the year, also Red-legged Partridge too. A mixed flock of Corn Bunting (10+), Yellowhammer (2), Reed Bunting (4), Linnet (6+), Skylark and Meadow Pipit were fee
23 March 2019

A male Brambling from the Janet Kear hide has been showing well on and off all day along with, amongst others, Goldfinch Greenfinch, Tree Sparrow and Reed Bunting.On the Mere, up to about 60 Black-tailed Godwits, several of which are in near full breeding
22 March 2019

Overcast to start the day with a little misty rain feeling milder and spring like in the afternoon. Top news, the water levels on the Mere are slowly being dropped to the spring/summer levels! A great selection of species seen and heard today. Both Ye
19 March 2019

Sighting Map Sunday
Seven species of raptor; Merlin, Red Kite, Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard. ab
17 March 2019

A few more sightings of Woodcock in the past couple of days. Big thanks to Jim Bevan for this photograph. Other recent wader species recorded; Avocet,Oystercatcher (108), Curlew, Dunlin, Snipe, Redshank, Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Ruff (48) and Black-tailed
13 March 2019

Record Avocet Count
A late afternoon count of Avocet broke the Martin Mere record and possibly Lancashire/North West with 141 birds. Martin Mere played host to the first birds that bred in the North West in 2003 and since that time the birds have been back every year. In the
12 March 2019

Latest Sighting
An adult European White-fronted Goose came in with Pink-footed Geese mid afternoon.Bittern booming again this morning on the Reed Bed.Peregrine was the pick of the raptors today. Tawny Owl and Barn Owl again today.Woodcock showing again along the Nature T
11 March 2019

Hen Harrier again
A new ringtail Hen Harrier has been seen over the last few days, this bird seems to be a juvenile bird while the late Feb bird appeared to be an adult/near adult female type, but no reports of either bird today so far but an immature Marsh Harrier has bee
5 March 2019

Raptor Fest!
A brief update. Check out a few previous days for a fuller picture. If you are visiting the reserve and would like to know what's around or have any sightings to report, pop in to the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide.A great couple of days for rap
27 February 2019