Sightings - Martin Mere



Up to 9 Green Sandpipers were seen today, mostly from the Ron Barker hide, where a single Wood sandpiper remained. At least 30 Common Snipe, 20 Ruff, 20 Black-tailed Godwits, 4 Little Ringed Plovers and 2 Ringed Plovers were also present. Lapwing number

9 August 2018

Wood Sandpipers

Wood Sandpipers

The two juvenile Wood Sandpipers are still present and have found each other, both feeding together quite close on Vinson's from Ron Barker hide throughout the day. Also from Ron Barker today, at least 6 Green Sandpiper, 9 Dunlin (7 ad, 2 juv), juv Littl

7 August 2018

Wood & Green Sandpipers

Wood & Green Sandpipers

There are now 2 Wood Sandpipers on site both were on view from Ron Barker hide late afternoon, also now at least 9 Green Sandpiper present, also the juvenile Greenshank still on view from UU Hide. Increasing numbers of Snipe too with at least 25 counte

6 August 2018

Common Scoter

Common Scoter

The bird of the day on Saturday was a male Common Scoter on the Mere early morning only. This is only the 3rd or 4th record for the reserve of this sea duck, which is easy to see off coastal sites such as Blackpool which has up to 20,000 birds wintering

5 August 2018

Bird News update

Bird News update

Apologies for the recent lack of updates - normal service will resume this weekend ! Wader passage is picking up at the moment, with Ruff numbers building, and more Black-tailed Godwits appearing daily. As many as six Green Sandpipers have been seen, wit

3 August 2018

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

The Wood Sandpiper seems to have settled down in Langleys Brook viewable from Ron Barker Hide, also occasionally on Sunley's from the same hide. Also from Ron Barker Hide today 3 Dunlin, 5 Little ringed Plover, 45 Ruff (mainly males moulting out of the

21 July 2018



Plenty of waders on the move at the moment, a juvenile Wood Sandpiper has been on site for a few days now but is very mobile, best looked for from Ron Barker where it was in Langleys Brook this morning. Also up to 5 Green Sandpiper, 3 Common Sandpiper, 9

20 July 2018

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

The highlight, bird wise over the last few days has been the re-appearance of the Spoonbill, still present today from Ron Barker Hide. Also the return autumn wader passage is bringing in new birds almost every day now, lots of new Ruff have been appearing

4 July 2018

More Waders

More Waders

The water levels on the Mere are dropping back slightly making for better wader habitat. Luckily the water levels around the site can be controlled so if this heat wave continues the reserve will be a haven for wetland birds as other sites dry up. Great t

30 June 2018



The mere is awash with young Shelduck at the moment, with new broods appearing all the time, also the female Pochard is still on the mere with the single youngster. Shelduck chick on the Mere (Tony Disley) Yesterday a

26 June 2018

Breeding Birds

Breeding Birds

More calm weather and an increase in temperature ahead all looks good for the breeding birds at Martin Mere. A nice selection of waders present including 5 adult Little Ringed Plover with 4 chicks present. Other waders included Avocet with some fledged yo

23 June 2018

Green Sandpipers

Green Sandpipers

A Green Sandpiper that was seen from UU Hide on Monday was joined by another bird on Tuesday and both were viewable from Harrier Hide, also from here the Great Crested Grebes still have 2 young. A female Pochard was on the Mere with one medium sized young

20 June 2018

Spotted Redshank

Spotted Redshank

The highlight from the last couple of days was an almost full breeding plumage Spotted Redshank found Saturday on Woodend Marsh viewable from United Utilities Hide, it was always distant and disappeared from time to time, no sign of it today. Also on Sat

17 June 2018



An adult and juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker were showing from the Janet Kear hide today also a Treecreeper nearby and good numbers of juvenile Tree Sparrows around the reserve. Both Little and Great Crested Grebe have young on view from the Harrier Hi

15 June 2018

Red Kite

Red Kite

Todays highlight was a Red Kite that flew past the In Focus shop late afternoon, it looked like an immature bird from the previous year so almost certainly the same individual that has been present in the wider area for a year or so. Other raptors today

13 June 2018