Sightings - Martin Mere

Bittern booming

Bittern booming

The Bittern is still present and was heard on Monday and Wednesday morning in the reed bed area best looked for from Harrier Hide, also in this area today a pair of Cuckoo's seen mating in the reed bed. Also another 2 different Cuckoo's one in the collect

16 May 2018

Red Kite

Red Kite

Bird of the day was a Red Kite seen distantly from Hale Hide, other raptor sightings today include a 2nd cal year Marsh Harrier, a female Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, several Common Buzzard and 4 Kestrel. A breeding plumaged Dunlin is still on the Mere with a

13 May 2018

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

A highlight today was the welcome sightings of a Marsh Harrier, there haven't been any reports for 3-4 weeks. Other birds today included 2 Ringed Plover on the Mere along with the usual 4 Little Ringed Plover, also a breeding plumaged Dunlin here. A pair

12 May 2018

White Wagtail

White Wagtail

A White Wagtail on the Mere yesterday morning was the first of the year, and the highlight of an otherwise fairly quiet few days. A single Ruff, at least 3 Little Ringed Plovers, a pair of Oystercatchers, Redshank and several Avocets are also on the Mere.

11 May 2018



A female Cuckoo was seen in the reed bed walk area this morning, then it or another flew past the In Focus shop mid morning. The Common Terns look like they are settling down to breed again this year in the usual area of Woodend Marsh viewable from the U

8 May 2018

Bird News

Bird News

Poor weather seems to have slowed down the Spring rush over the last few days with few "new" arriving. Still lots of birds to be seen however. On the Mere a pair of Little Ringed Plovers has taken up residence joining the Avocets, Black-tailed Godwits, an

27 April 2018



More new migrants over the weekend included the first Swift in the morning flew north and first Hobby was seen late in the day on Sunday, also a ringtail (fem or imm) Hen Harrier was seen briefly before heading off northeast on Sunday. Also on the Mere

23 April 2018

Bird News

Bird News

Few reports received from around the reserve today, although there are lots of birds about. A few Swallows and singing Blackcap around the In Focus shop, 2 Wheatears on Woodend Marsh and 3 Great Crested Grebes in front of the Harrier hide. On the Mere, a

17 April 2018

Little Gull

Little Gull

Just a brief update. See previous sightings for a fuller picture. A Little Gull flew through mid morning new for the year. We usually get non adult birds hanging around on the reserve into early summer. The first Whimbrel of the year was seen late on Satu

16 April 2018

Sedge Warbler new for the year.

Sedge Warbler new for the year.

With the winds swinging round to the South East/West, the coming week looks good for an influx of birds. The first Sedge Warbler of the year was singing at the far end of the Reed Bed close to the Sewage Works by the Public Footpath. A couple of Reed War

14 April 2018

House Martin new for the year

House Martin new for the year

A damp cold easterly can't have been the greatest of welcomes for the years first House Martin (4) a reasonably early record for this species. Swallows and Sand Martin also again today. Some good wader counts with 129 Avocet, 310 Black-tailed Godwit, 50+

11 April 2018

Reed Warbler an early arrival

Reed Warbler an early arrival

A fairly miserable start to the day with rain coming through from first light until near midday. A Reed Warbler was in song along the public footpath on the Outer Reed Bed Walk. This is possibly our earliest sighting of this species. Reed Warbler are one

10 April 2018

Bittern booming, spring arrivals.

Bittern booming, spring arrivals.

Another good day with light winds and a little warmth into the afternoon. Bittern booming out from the Harrier Hide again. The wardens have placed a couple of camera traps out on the Reed Bed in the hope of catching one of the Bittern moving around, and i

8 April 2018

Great White Egret

Great White Egret

A Great White Egret was a fine addition to the site year list, the bird was by the pool in Owl Marsh at the back of the Mere on and off during the morning and early afternoon. Little Egret was also on site and the Bittern was again booming in the reed be

7 April 2018

Ring Ouzel

Ring Ouzel

Bird of the day Ring Ouzel, a male along the ditch edge over the metal gate into the reserve, near the gate entrance to the 'Wheatear Fields' at the end of the Long Hedge on the public footpath at 11.30am. This is only the 3rd reserve record. The first W

5 April 2018