Sightings - Martin Mere

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

After the weekends cold weather it was noticeably warm this morning and feeling almost hot in the sun early afternoon. The early showers produced a few Sand Martin feeding in sheltered spots around the reserve and at least one Swallow. Bittern still boomi

3 April 2018



Despite the cool temperatures a few new birds for the spring were seen on Saturday in the form of Sand Martin, Swallow and Blackcap. As well the Bittern was still booming and one was seen in flight from Harrier Hide on Saturday morning,  also a male

1 April 2018

Mediterranean influx

Mediterranean influx

After a quiet few days, an influx of Mediterranean Gulls this afternoon has certainly brightened up the Mere. At least 7 birds arrived, all adults, with 3 pairs seeming settled and displaying. A pair seen on Vinson's Marsh could be different birds from

30 March 2018

Grey Partridge and other birds

Grey Partridge and other birds

A brief summary of the past couple of days. Plenty of sun which obviously is a good thing apart from the 'heat haze', you can't please everyone! No counts but an obvious and substantial drop off of wildfowl. A Bean Goose was reported (unusually) with Cana

26 March 2018

More Spring

More Spring

The warmth of the sun is a giveaway, the hawthorn is breaking into leaf and it can't far off for the Blackthorn coming into flower. Spring sunshine on the Mere Another sign of spring at Martin Mere is the water level

24 March 2018

Bean Goose

Bean Goose

The official first day of spring turned out well, and with light winds in the morning the sun felt warm. The birds however definitely had winter feel to them. A Bean Goose dropped in with ~ 1000 Pink-footed Geese late morning and promptly fell asleep. Th

20 March 2018

Bird News

Bird News

An adult Mediterranean Gull (with a metal ring on it's right leg) was on the Mere this morning, along with the 105 Ruff, 40+ Avocets, and about 100 Black-tailed Godwits. A lot of Pink-footed Goose activity today with at least 1,500 birds moving around the

19 March 2018

Birds & Butterflies

Birds & Butterflies

2 Brimstones in the collection area today were the first butterflies reports of this year. Also in the collection area, a single Woodcock was flushed. Lots of bird raptor activity around the reserve, with Red Kite, at least 2 Marsh Harriers, several Comm

16 March 2018

Bearded Tit !

Bearded Tit !

A female Bearded Tit from the Harrier hide was certainly today's "Star Bird", but, like the previous records of this species from Martin Mere, it failed to show itself after the initial sighting. Hopefully a few more pairs of eyes looking will change tha

15 March 2018

Red Kite again

Red Kite again

Another fresh day but at least the rain held off until late on. Great to see Red Kite back on the reserve for a few hours. It seems there are a couple of birds in the area at the moment. A good raptor day with Peregrine, 5 Marsh Harrier, 8 Buzzard, Kestr

14 March 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Damp all day! Plenty of birds around even if the birds of prey were slightly subdued. Wildfowl counts included 780 Whooper Swan roosting, 1200 Pink-footed Geese in the vicinity, 160+ Greylag, 18 Canada Geese, 2 Mute Swan, 517 Shelduck, 1500+ Teal, 880 Wi

12 March 2018

Ring-billed Gull!!!

Ring-billed Gull!!!

A bit like busses you wait ages then two come along at once. Ok, this probably doesn't quite work for this scenario but last year on the 19th March an adult Ring-billed Gull was found in front of the Harrier Hide and was present for less than an hour. T

10 March 2018

Bittern Booming

Bittern Booming

A good start to the morning with Bittern booming, heard from the public footpath on the outer reed bed walk. Also in song, Chiffchaff by the Sewage Works and Corn Bunting near the Railway Crossing. Looking back towards the

9 March 2018

Avocet Influx

Avocet Influx

Warm in the sun, cool in the hides, spring like. Great to see the Avocet coming back in after the cold snap. Four nine birds seen today is the highest count of the spring so far. Lapwing have returned too with 1100+ birds, also 43 Oystercatcher, 78 Black-

7 March 2018

Bird News

Bird News

Raptors again the stand-out species today, with the male Hen Harrier still present and a female reported moving through mid-morning. An adult Red Kite was also present mid afternoon at least, along with at least 2 Marsh Harriers, Peregrine, 4+ Common Buzz

5 March 2018