Sightings - Martin Mere

Last sightings report for 2017

Last sightings report for 2017

As the sun sets on 2017 we wish you all a happy new year and great birding for 2018. We'll do a review next week, covering some of the many highlights of 2017. The Cattle Egret is still present viewed from the Ron Barker Hide. At least 1400+ Whooper Swan

31 December 2017

Cattle Egret still

Cattle Egret still

The Cattle Egret was still in the field by Ron Baker hide this morning but then flew distantly to the distant fields near the large cream barns on the edge of the reserve, best viewed from upstairs in the UU Hide. At least 1 Little Egret was also seen fro

29 December 2017

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

A Cattle Egret was with cattle in the field to the right of Ron Baker Hide this afternoon, also a few Little Egret around. A juvenile Peregrine was seen a few times along with 1 or 2 Marsh Harrier. Merlin has been seen in recent days. Male Stonechat from

28 December 2017

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas to you all out there. We are coming down to the last few sightings up date before 2018 commences. If we get it together we'll do a highlights of 2017 before the end of the year. Happy Christmas! (A winter s

24 December 2017

The Fog

The Fog

Fog has been hampering viewing this morning but eventually lifted and at one point the Mere was bathed in glorious sunshine and birds could be seen. Not many reports today but the usual suspects could be seen once the fog cleared, a Peregrine was seen ove

22 December 2017

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Latest sightings from the past two days. Sunset silhouette of the UU Hide. (Andy Bunting) No roost counts of Whooper Swan or Pink-footed Geese but 300+ and 800+ of each respectively during the day. Over 600 Greylag an

20 December 2017

Some counts

Some counts

A misty start to the day slowly clearing in light winds. The Mere this morning. At least 1400+ Whooper Swan roosting on the reserve. At least 2000 Pink-footed Geese came in just after midday and around 4000 roosting.

18 December 2017

Latest sightings

Latest sightings

A damp but calm start to Sunday. Seven Marsh Harrier in one binocular view this morning. More news as it comes in... Yesterday Great White Egret in the morning.

17 December 2017



A juv/1st winter Great-crested Grebe was new in this morning on the Mere probably moved on from somewhere with the freezing temperatures overnight. Still 2-3 Goldeneye on the Mere most days including a fine looking male. A good showing for raptors with 3

15 December 2017

Minus 6

Minus 6

Some proper winter weather in the past few days even if the snow avoided the area. Temperatures reached -6ºC so there has been plenty of ice and frost around. The biggest count of Whooper Swan this winter with 1670 birds this morning.

12 December 2017

No Snow....

No Snow....

Slightly disappointed that we've had no snow. Green-winged Teal still present this morning from the Ron Barker Hide. At least 5 Marsh Harrier including a green wing tagged bird from Norfolk. At least 5 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Waders; 700 Lap

10 December 2017

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Again a brief update. Check the past few days for a fuller picture. Green-winged Teal on Sunley's Marsh again. Three Goldeneye on the Mere. Pintail in the hail Waders; 600+ Lapwing, 70+ Black-tailed Godwit, 60+ Ruff,

9 December 2017

Green-winged Teal again

Green-winged Teal again

Brief update see yesterday's sightings for a fuller picture of what can currently be seen. Green-winged Teal again on Vinson's Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide, it's favorite spot of late. Water Rail there too. Minimum of 5 Marsh Harrier today, Peregrine (j

8 December 2017

Green-winged Teal and other birds

Green-winged Teal and other birds

Winds swing round to the North and possible snow showers forecast, it's looking interest and potentially visually spectacular in the next few days. The drake Green-winged Teal is still present this morning on Vinson's Marsh. No specific wildfowl counts of

7 December 2017

Green Winged Teal still

Green Winged Teal still

The Green-winged Teal was seen in the morning but no sign since from Ron Barker Hide. The female Brambling is still being seen on the bird table to the left of Kingfisher hide today. Also Water Rail still being seen occasionally in the ditch in front of

5 December 2017