Sightings - Martin Mere



A few sightings of Cuckoo's today with 2 being seen from Ron Barker Hide and 2 seen along the Reedbed Walk. The immature Little Gull is still present, best looked for from Ron Barker Hide but can be hawking insects in flight anywhere on the reserve. The f

31 May 2017



A Hobby was seen from the Ron Barker hide this afternoon, also the immature Little Gull is still present but no reports of the Little Stint today. A Kingfisher was again seen from the Ron Barker Hide. Just off site a 'Channel Wagtail' was seen along Curle

30 May 2017

Little Stint & Little Gull

Little Stint & Little Gull

A nice breeding plumage Little Stint was found from Ron Barker Hide this morning, the 2nd record of this tiny wader this spring. Other waders on site today included 17 Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Redshank, Oystercatc

29 May 2017



Few reports but the highlight again was a Red Kite which flew over the reserve around midday, presumably the bird from a couple of days ago. The 1st sum/2nd cal year Little Gull is still frequenting the pools viewed from Ron Barker Hide. A flock of 3 Tern

28 May 2017



A new pair of Common Tern were busy trying to find a spot to nest, even checking out the new Tern raft in front of In Focus before before chased off by the nesting Black-headed Gull. At least 2-3 Little Egret continue to be seen most days, a Barn Owl was

27 May 2017



Very few reports recieved today, but the highlight was a Red Kite which flew past the reserve mid afternoon heading towards Burscough Bridge. The 1st sum/2nd cal year Little Gull was still present from Ron Barker Hide, also an adult Mediterranean Gull was

26 May 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Yesterday's Little Gull was still present today, but mobile, spending time in front of both the Ron Barker (afternoon) and United Utilities (morning) hides. A second summer Mediterranean Gull was on the Mere, as were a single female Ruff and 30 or more Bl

25 May 2017



The first Little Gull of the year appeared on the Mere mid afternoon, a 1st summer bird. Also 2 different 1st summer/2nd cal year Mediterranean Gulls on the Mere in the morning and a breif visit by a pair of 2nd summer/3rd cal year Mediterranean Gulls in

24 May 2017



At least 3 Ruff (1 male + 2 female) were on site today, females from Ron Barker and the male from UU Hide. A single Dunlin was on the Mere all day and plenty of Little Ringed Plover and Ringed Plover to be seen. An adult male Peregrine was seen to take a

21 May 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Few reports over the last couple of days, but a pair of Garganey were seen from the new Reedbed Walk today (a male, possibly one of this pair was seen from the Ron Barker hide yesterday). 2 Mediterranean Gulls were on the Mere this morning, as was a singl

19 May 2017



A good day with a few new birds, the best of which for rarity value was the diminutive Temminck's Stint that was refound on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide. Martin Mere is probably the premier site in the Northwest for this species, with many records

17 May 2017



A wet and windy day which didn't produce much, but a Yellow Wagtail over the Mere mid afternoon was a new bird for the year. A 2nd cal year Mediterranean Gull was around mid afternoon also Common Gull and Great black-backed Gull on the Mere. Lots of Avoce

15 May 2017

Recent sightings

Recent sightings

A round up of the best recent sightings since the last update, a Little Stint on Woodend Marsh on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was the first record of the year, a Spotted Flycatcher was present on Thursday from Janet Kear Hide. Plenty of Whimbrel passi

13 May 2017



Plenty of singing Warblers around the reserve with possibly upto 5 Grasshopper Warblers in the Reedbed Walk area including one bird showing from the UU Hide, also plenty of Sedge and Reed Warblers. At least 3 male Whitethroat and plenty of Blackcap, a few

6 May 2017

Bird News

Bird News

A Hobby showing well over the new reedbed this morning was today's star bird. A single adult Mediterranean Gull and 2 Whimbrel were on the Mere, as were the two, seemingly now resident Little Ringed Plovers, and a single Common Sandpiper. Just off the res

5 May 2017