Sightings - Martin Mere

Grasshopper Warbler

Grasshopper Warbler

Very few reports recieved today but the first 2 Grasshopper Warblers of the year were heard and seen in the reedbed walk area today, also lots of Sedge and Reed Warbler in the area. At least 2 male Whitethroat singing and plenty of Chiffchaff, Willow Warb

1 May 2017



The day started off brightly with the appearance of 3 Black Terns over the Mere at 10.27am, they didn't stay longer than 50 seconds followed quickly a few minutes later by the arrival of 15 Common Terns, the Common Terns remaining till 16.33 when they lef

30 April 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Improved weather lead to a lot more birds being seen today, although today's round up starts with yesterday's news, when the first Swift of the year was seen over the reserve. A Whinchat has also been present, viewed from the United Utilities hide where u

28 April 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Bitterly cold winds seem to have slowed things down a little over the last couple of days, with no new arrivals, and noticably fewer singing birds. Even the Black-headed Gull colony seems less active than normal. A pair of Common Terns has been touring th

25 April 2017

Bird News

Bird News

A few waders passing through today, with a Whimbrel, Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 9 Black-tailed Godwits and a Common Sandpiper joining the uasual Avocets, Oystercatchers, and Redshanks on the Mere. A Little Egret was showing extremely

20 April 2017

Booming Bittern !

Booming Bittern !

One of the purposes of the new reedbed was to provide suitable habitat for reedbed specialists such as the Bittern, and a booming male this morning was exactly the sort of thing which was hoped for.  One was actually seen (although briefly) very close to

19 April 2017



Highlight of the day was an Osprey which was seen heading north being mobbed by Gulls late afternoon, the first sighting of the year. April is THE month to see Osprey pass through locally. Other sightings today included a new Marsh Harrier, a male seen ov

18 April 2017



A few new sightings for the year today, the first Whimbrel was seen from UU Hide along with a good slection of other waders which included 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 5+ Ruff as well as the usual Lapwing, Redshank and Avocet.

16 April 2017



The Cetti's Warbler was again seen along the Reedbed Walk this morning near the Sewage works, also 12 Swallow here and a singing Willow Warbler. At least 5 Mediterranean Gulls on the Mere including a new 1st sum/2nd cal year bird. A Little Ringed Plover w

15 April 2017



The Med Gull bonanza continues with at least 10 birds in the last 2 days, including the 'polish' ringed male and female which are looking increasingly like they are getting ready to nest which would be a first for the reserve and possibly a first for any

12 April 2017



A great time to see Mediterranean Gulls at the Mere, we are getting many birds passing through daily at the moment, with at least 7 birds (2 pairs, a single adult, 2nd cal year, 3rd cal year) present today including an apparent Polish ringed bird (awaitin

9 April 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Mediterranean Gulls are among the 'star birds' on the reserve at the moment, with at least 5 on the Mere today. There have been at least 13 individually identifiable birds here in the last couple of weeks, and with the Black-headed Gulls at last starting

7 April 2017



An appearance of 3 Cattle Egrets this afternoon was one of the highlights of the year so far, unfortunately they didn't hang around for longer than a couple of hours, on view from Ron Barker Hide they spent much of their time partly hidden behind some veg

4 April 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Highlight of the day (and the year so far?) was undoubtedly a male Hen Harrier which flew across the back of the reserve this afternoon, seen from the United Utilities hide. A single Marsh Harrier, probably the same bird which has been around the reserve

31 March 2017



Highhlight of the day was the pair of Garganey that were found on Sunley's Marsh from Ron Barker Hide mid morning. At least 2-3 Mediterranean Gull were seen including a pair on the Mere with a Green Darvic ring, probably from France or Belgium. At least 2

25 March 2017