Sightings - Martin Mere

Bird News

Bird News

A pair of Mediterranean Gulls seem to have settled in on the Mere and are on view  (other than when they are sitting behind one of the islands!) pretty much constantly. 2 Ringed Plovers, 2 Dunlin, at least 50 Black-tailed Godwits, 30+ Avocets and several

24 March 2017



Very few reports today, but an interesting day with the first Little Ringed Plover of the spring which flew on to the Mere early morning in low cloud and rain. Also a single Ringed Plover and Dunlin around the Mere along with Oystercatcher, 40+ Black-tail

22 March 2017

... Missing title ...

... Missing title ...

The highlight of the day and of the year so far (rarity wise) was an adult/sub adult Ring Billed Gull which was found in front of Harrier Hide mid afternoon, seen by several regulars it didn't stick around for too long. Very similar to Common Gull the Rin

19 March 2017



Bird of the day was a Bittern seen well in flight from the 2nd viewing screen along the reedbed walk this morning just after 10am, this bird is probably from somewhere on the continent and has been wintering unseen in our now extensive reedbed areas all w

18 March 2017

Bird News

Bird News

The Green-winged Teal seen this morninig from the Ron Barker hide was almost certainly the one which has spent most if not all of this Winter at Martin Mere, although it has been a number of weeks since it was last reported. The current weather seems to h

17 March 2017



The main highlight at the moment on site is the build up of waders, with upto 60 Avocet, 80+ Black-tailed Godwit, 65+ Ruff, 65+ Oystercatcher, 1500+ Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 5 Curlew and Ringed Plover. More and more waders will pass through in the coming week

7 March 2017



No sign of the Goosander since the original sighting but excellent numbers of waders with a good count of 60-70 Snipe, 65 Ruff, 60+ Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew and 2 Ringed Plover, not forgetting the 58 Avocet too. The male Brambling is stil present from

5 March 2017

Bird News

Bird News

A male Goosander on the Mere today was real turn up for the books. Although this species is quite common in the right habitat within it's range, Martin Mere is not the right habitat ! Goosanders generally prefer much deeper water, and the species is recor

3 March 2017



A wet and cold day but still plenty to see, the Avocets had increased to 50 this morning, also the Woodcock was seen again in between Gladstone and Janet Kear Hide. Other waders included 100+ Oystercatcher, 60 Ruff, 33 Black-tailed Godwit, a good count of

28 February 2017



The Woodcock is still being seen but is difficult to find at times, also the male Brambling is still visiting the bird table at Janet Kear Hide. A big increase in Avocet in recent days from 21 to 45 birds now present, also 100+ Oystercatcher, 6 Curlew, 1

26 February 2017

Bird News

Bird News

A very quick note on today's highlights - Woodcock, Tawny Owl and Brambling still present. Although the Woodcock did prove very difficult to find earlier on, it did show well later in the day. 21 Avocets, 50+ Ruff, 30+ Black-tailed Godwit and 100+ Oysterc

24 February 2017

Woodcock & Brambling still

Woodcock & Brambling still

Both the Woodcock and Brambling remain on site with both giving good views at times, the Woodcock a little more difficult but both can be seen each day at the moment. Also the Tawny Owl was in the usual place (In the Ivy on the right hand side of the corn

22 February 2017

Avocets and Brambling

Avocets and Brambling

A few more Avocets arrived overnight/early morning bringing the total to 11 birds this morning on the Mere, also the Woodcock is still present between Gladstone Hide and Janet Kear Hide. Keeping with Waders, a Dunlin was with the flock of 60 Ruff and 2 Cu

20 February 2017



Another excellent day with a few new birds in, best of which was a group of 15 Greenland White-fronted Geese which were seen from Ron Barker Hide, unfortunately they didn't stay around for too long. Also new in today were the first Avocets, a group of 5 b

19 February 2017

Woodcock and Brambling

Woodcock and Brambling

The Woodcocks were seen again a few times today but are elusive and often only partly on view, also a Water Rail in the same area this morning. Another Water Rail was seen from Ron Barker Hide along with the Kingfisher and nearby the Tawny Owl was on almo

18 February 2017