Sightings - Martin Mere

Woodcock and Brambling

Woodcock and Brambling

The Woodcocks were seen again a few times today but are elusive and often only partly on view, also a Water Rail in the same area this morning. Another Water Rail was seen from Ron Barker Hide along with the Kingfisher and nearby the Tawny Owl was on almo

18 February 2017



A very spring feel to the day with plenty of bird song to be heard along with further signs of spring. Hot on the heels of yesterdays Woodcock was another bird that had joined yesterdays bird, 2 together which continued to show well at times, please call

17 February 2017



After a sighting of a Woodcock near the Canoe Safari yesterday another one was spotted from the path between Gladstone Hide and Janet Kear today, allowing a few people to enjoy this wonderful bird. In full view at first it quickly made itself hard to see

16 February 2017



The male Brambling is back and showing from Janet Kear Hide today, also Reed Buntings and Long-tailed Tits from here. Good selection of wildfowl as always on site, including 2-300 Whooper Swan, small numbers of Pink-footed Goose, Mallard, Teal, Pintail, S

15 February 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Spring is on it's way ! The first waders are already starting to make their way slowly back towards their breeding grounds and numbers of Oystercatchers, Black-tailed Godwits, and Snipe are increasing on an almost daily basis at the moment. For photograph

14 February 2017



Goldeneye continue to be seen most days on the Mere with a group of 5 today (2 male & 3 female). At least 3000 Pink-footed Geese were present on and off all day albeit distantly on the edge of the reserve. The 3 Little Egrets are still to be seena rou

8 February 2017



Three European White-fronted Geese were in the fields behind the Mere with Pink-footed Geese today. A flock of 3 Golden Plover were seen in flight after all the Lapwing flocks were spooked by a Peregrine just after mid-day. Oystercatchers continue the spr

5 February 2017

Bird News

Bird News

From The Mere today, 3 Little Erets, 2,000 + Lapwings, 12 Oystercatchers, 6+ Black-tailed Godwits, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 3+ Common Buzzards

3 February 2017



The cracking male Brambling continues to show at the Janet Kear feeding station along with Reed Buntings and an assortment of Tits and other finches. At least 2 Peregrines seen today an adult male and an imm male, also Marsh Harrier, sev Buzzard and Kestr

25 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Mammals have been drawing more attention than over the last couple of days, with 3 Roe Deer, Weasel, and Stoat on top of last week's Otter sighting. Still lots of birds around though, with Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard, Little Egret, Water Ra

24 January 2017



A party of 3 adult European White-fronted Geese were with c1000 Pink-feet in fields along Curlew Lane this morning. European White-fronted Geese, 2 birds out of a group of 3 as well as an aberrant Pink-footed Goose (T. Dis

19 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Despite the fowl weather there were a few brave souls out birding on site. The drake Green-winged Teal was again showing on Vinson's, the left hand pool/marsh from Ron Barker Hide with good numbers of Teal. Good numbers of waders feeding in Plover field a

15 January 2017



An excellent day on site, the European Whitefronted Goose was present in the morning with Pink-footed Geese before flying off. Also the drake Green-winged Teal was again from Ron Barker Hide. A Great White Egret flew through the site early morning heading

14 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Few reports coming in from around the reserve at the moment, as the weather seems to be keeping many paople indoors. However there are still lots of birds around for those who put on an extra jumper ! A single European White-fronted Goose was with a small

12 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Despite a very foggy day a few birds were reported, an adult Mediterranean Gull spent some time on the Mere in the morning. Other sightings included the pair of Tawny Owls near Kingfisher Hide. One of the Water Rails was showing very well from Ron Barker

7 January 2017