Sightings - Martin Mere

Bewick's Swans

Bewick's Swans

A group of 4 adult Bewick's Swans on the Mere this afternoon was the highlight of the day before flying off at 15.34, these are the first records this winter of this increasingly rare Russian visitor. Also at the afternoon feed were c120 Whooper Swans.

6 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

The male Red-crested Pochard (probably a 1st winter male) is still present from yesterday and showing well on and off all day from Harrier Hide. Late afternoon the Blue phase Snow Goose from Marshside appeared and was still present at dusk on the Mere wit

31 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Red-crested Pochard was the most unusual bird of the day - a male flew with three other ducks, (probably female Red-crested Pochards) out of sight behind the reeds in front of the Harrier hide, and appeared again (alone) on the Mere later in the afternoon

30 December 2016

Bird news

Bird news

The Cetti's Warbler was heard near the Harrier Hide this morning. Goldcrest was seen with the Long-tailed Tit flock, Great Spotted Woodpecker was from the Janet Kear feeding station along with good numbers of Reed Buntings. At least 1 Little Egret still p

28 December 2016

Bird news

Bird news

An early morning roost count of Whooper Swans revealed 1450 birds, most of these seem to be feeding off site during the day but using the site for roosting. The counts at the feed in the afternoon have been bringing in about 300 Swans. A count of roosting

27 December 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

A Brambling was reported today by the Kingfisher Hide with Chaffinches, also still up to 2 Little Egrets on site over recent days and today. The 2 Tawny Owls are still being seen in the usual spot near Kingfisher Hide. While Water Rails have been seen qui

24 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Two sightings of Brambling on the reserve today, one from the Janet Kear hide and another (although possibly the same bird) near the Kingfisher hide. At least 2 Little Egrets were present today, and were visible from most of the hides at some stage during

22 December 2016

Bird news

Bird news

The drake Green-winged Teal was reported again yesterday from Ron Barker hide. Still 3 Goldeneye on the Mere most days, also Redpoll over yesterday along with a few flocks of Fieldfare. Little Egret from Ron Barker today also Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Buzza

19 December 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Apologies for the lack of bird news, partly due to computer problems and a genuine lack of sightings and reports coming in. So please do call in at the end ofyour day to report your sightings to the In Focus shop. The Tawny Owl has been showing well in th

17 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A very dull but mild day today. A small flock of Fieldfare were in the car park this morning, as well as 20 or more Chaffinches and at least 40 Goldfinches. On the Mere, variety was the order of the day - Tufted Duck (at least 7), Pochard, Goldeneye (a si

9 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

2 Little Egrets on the Mere briefly today - although Little Egrets are seen fairly regularly on the reserve, 2 together is unusual. Also on the Mere, as many as 300 Shelduck, along with 20 Pochard, 3 Tufted Duck, a single male Goldeneye, 1 Black-tailed Go

6 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

The Green-winged Teal was again present in front of the Ron Barker hide throughout the day. Bird of the day however was an Egyptian Goose which appeared on the Mere mid-morning and spent the next couple of hours moving around the reserve before retuning t

2 December 2016

Follow that Goose !

Follow that Goose !

Not much bird news over the last couple of days, other than a "small group" of Bramblings on the feeder in front of the Janet Kear hide early yesterday morning. However, they were not seen later in the day. Marsh Harriers, Peregrine, and Common Buzzard co

1 December 2016

Green-winged Teal again

Green-winged Teal again

Slightly warmer over night melting most of the ice out on the reserve. The drake Green-winged Teal was picked out on Vinson's Marsh early afternoon. On the Mere 2 Goldeneye (female) joined big numbers of Shelduck, Pintail and Mallard. Small numbers of Tuf

27 November 2016

Woodcock Winter Wonderland

Woodcock Winter Wonderland

Another beautiful frost covered morning which lingered right through the day in sheltered spots. The back of the Mere iced over although the mass of wildfowl present helped keep most of the water open. Wildfowl numbers are high with 2500+ Teal and 1000+ W

26 November 2016