Sightings - Martin Mere

Bird News

Bird News

A very similar day to yesterday, with great weather and lots of birds. At least 40 Black-tailed Godwits and a similar number of Ruff were on the Mere, and Kingfishers were seen from the Ron Barker and United Utilities hides, as well as a "fly-past" from t

25 November 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A beautiful day with a great variety of birds to be seen. The Green-winged Teal was again present from the Ron Barker hide - although it can be difficult to pick up amongst the flocks of Common Teal at times, the vertical white bar on their American cousi

24 November 2016

Sunday Viewing

Sunday Viewing

Chilly again but with light winds making it less cold than it could be. A couple of counts put the Whooper Swan numbers on 1200 and Pink-footed Geese down to 6700. Most of the Whooper Swan are feeding off the reserve at the moment. [caption id="attachment

20 November 2016

Green-winged Teal again

Green-winged Teal again

Wintery condition biting a little on the reserve over the past couple of days. Some excellent light too as long as you are wrapped up! Hail clouds passing by with flocks of Teal flushed by Peregrine The Green-winged T

19 November 2016

Green-winged Teal found

Green-winged Teal found

It was only a matter of time before a Green-winged Teal was picked out of the increasing numbers of Eurasian Teal. The confusingly named Green-winged Teal is a North American species and is probably the commonest duck to visit British waters from the stat

16 November 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

Apologies for the lack of updates recently, normal service has now returned. Jam packed with wildfowl as many species continue to arrive as the weather gets colder across continental Europe. Recent counts produced 1910 Teal, 1010 Wigeon and 221 Shelduck.

15 November 2016

Whooper influx

Whooper influx

The first proper frost of this winter period, overcast for most of the day with light winds. This morning's dawn count produced 1360 Whooper Swan. Quite surprised at the total even though it has been obvious that new birds have been arriving over the week

8 November 2016

Cattle Egret again

Cattle Egret again

Overcast and chilly but excellent visibilty. Bird of the day was Cattle Egret which was seen just off the reserve arounf midday before being seen on the Mere in the afternoon. As noted before on here there has been a considerable influx of Cattle Egret in

6 November 2016

Whooper Swans arriving

Whooper Swans arriving

The chilly northerly air flow makes for excellent viewing as long as you have got several layers on! Although no count it appears there has been an influx of Whooper Swan on the back of the weather with 600+ birds present this morning. The Pink-footed Gee

5 November 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A brief update. If you check the previous 3 of 4 sightings updates you will get a good idea how busy the reserve is at the moment with wildfowl, geese and swans. Raptors; Peregrine (ad), 2 Marsh Harrier, 4 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk. Green S

4 November 2016

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

An overcast, cool and moody looking day although no rain until late on. The first Hen Harrier of the autumn/winter, a rintail bird flew North around midday. Other raptors included Marsh Harrier, 2 adult Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel. With the rec

3 November 2016

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Beautiful weather, along with a good variety (and number!) of birds has made the past couple of days a joy to experience! Lots of Whooper Swans here, with numbers slowly increasing to the point where there are currently about 600 birds on the Mere. Lots o

2 November 2016

European White-fronts

European White-fronts

A brief update. Six European White-fronted Geese (2 adult + 4 juv) with Pink-footed Geese from the Ron Barker Hide early afternoon. C.20000 Pink-footed Geese on the reserve by late afternoon. Possibly more Whooper Swan today although many birds are off th

30 October 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

Compilation of sighting from the past few days. A minimum of 20000 Pink-footed Geese currently roosting. As we go into November the numbers will drop back as birds move on to Norfolk. A White-fronted Goose was present with the flock on friday. No obvious

29 October 2016

Geese and Raptors

Geese and Raptors

Very active across the reserve today with 10-15000 Pink-footed Geese back on the reserve by early afternoon and more roosting. In with the Pink-footed Geese singles of Greenland and European White-fronted Geese and two Barnacle Geese. Three Marsh Harrier

26 October 2016