Sightings - Martin Mere

30050 Pink-footed Geese

30050 Pink-footed Geese

Yesterday's roost count of 30050 Pink-footed Geese was the highest of the Autumn so far. The count was part of the coordinated occuring in Lancashire (and elsewhere). The complete figures for Lancashire haven't been complied just yet but the final count w

24 October 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

More light easterlies and ideal viewing as more winter vistors arrive. First Woodcock of the autumn was flush along the Nature Trail path near the Kingfisher Hide. Keep an eye out for this species from the Janet Kear Hide. A definite influx of Goldcrest w

22 October 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

A lovely day with light winds, still warm in the sun and not too cool in the hides. Plenty of Whooper Swan in with at least 300 birds this morning. A few family parties of 3 and 4 young. Always a sight watching Whooper Swa

21 October 2016

Bird News

Bird News

More swans arrived today, with around 400 on the Mere at dusk. Amongst them was a single Black Swan, an Australian species which is popular in wildfowl collections, and which has been recorded every year recently with returning Whoopers. The have also bee

20 October 2016

Whoopers Return !!

Whoopers Return !!

The change of wind direction yesterday was exactly what the Whooper Swans have been waiting for, with around 170 arriving on the Mere overnight, and over 300 present by late afternoon. Numbers of Pink-footed Geese also seem to have increased, but no accu

19 October 2016



Highest count of the autumn so far if Pink-footed Geese with 25500 in the roost this morning. Great time of year to pick out rarer geese among these flocks. No Whooper Swan influx as yet although this coming week should bring birds in.

17 October 2016

White-fronts and Yellow-brow

White-fronts and Yellow-brow

Another classic autumn day with plenty of bird action throughout. Two European White-fronted Geese dropped in around 1pm with Pink-footed Geese. Record day counts of this species have been recorded along the East Coast in recent days so it's possible more

16 October 2016

Barnacle Goose and other birds

Barnacle Goose and other birds

Early start with mistly rain followed by clearing conditions into a very pleasant afternoon. Good numbers of Pink-footed Geese started to arrive onto the reserve late morming onward. A single Barnacle Goose was picked out among the pinks. No roost count i

15 October 2016

Bird News

Bird News

First Brambling of the autumn which was seen on and around the feeders at the Janet Kear hide several times throughout the day. Will it be a big year for this species? Only time will tell. At least one Redwing was in the collection area this morning, and

13 October 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

The classic autumn viewing at Martin Mere continues with new arrivals of Pink-footed Geese and wildfowl to scan through. The roost count from Monday morning produced just under 16000 Pink-footed Geese. The previous days European White-fronts indiciting ne

11 October 2016

Yellow Browed Warbler

Yellow Browed Warbler

It had to happen eventually, with the record numbers of Yellow-browed Warblers in the country this autumn, that one would appear on site and late morning one was seen and photographed from the Kingfisher Hide. This is the first to be seen and photographed

9 October 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Lots of wildfowl around today, with over 20,000 Pink-footed Geese roosting on the reserve last night, and increased numbers of Wigeon and Pintail around this morning. Pochard have started to arrive back, with 5 present today, and 2 Whooper Swans were on t

7 October 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Great White Egret still present on the reserve today, although for such a big, strikingly white bird, it can go missing for surprisingly long periods of time  in the ditches and channels. The Greenland White-fronted Goose was still with Pink-footed Geese

6 October 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

Fabulous few days as the winds from the east produce great viewing conditions here in the west. No shortage of Pink-footed Geese although no specific counts since Monday's 21,000. A single Greenland White-fronted Goose was in with the Pinks yesterday.

5 October 2016



Big arrival of Pink-footed Geese over the weekend. Today's dawn count produced 21,000 Pink-footed Geese, an awesome sight and sound. Recommend combining your visit with one of the late Wednesday and Saturday openings in October to catch these birds coming

3 October 2016