Blog - Slimbridge

Hello Seren!

Hello Seren!

A very special little bird made an understated entrance this week. You may have read about the bizarre transferral of one very special egg to Llanelli back in the summer... This egg contained the hopefully healthy embryo of a Lesser flamingo, and it despe

18 November 2011

A pictorial treat from the aviaries.

A pictorial treat from the aviaries.

I just had to post this photo... I am never satisfied with my pictures of Hooded Merganser, and just as I pressed the button on this one; the Bufflehead popped up out of the water. Despite the chill, most eclipse plumage species are just getting in a bit

4 November 2011

Eric! Down developments and filter feeding...

Eric! Down developments and filter feeding...

This gorgeous snap shot shows just how much the chicks are maturing in advance of the winter. Their post hatch down is now being pushed out by the emerging secondary down. This soft grey layer is sumptuously soft, ever so unctuous, and I just love sinkin

1 November 2011

Eric! Look at them grow!

Eric! Look at them grow!

The Erics just won't stop growing! At 600g plus, they are now on four feeds a day of 60g each. Best of all, they are now feeding free-standing. No longer do we need to prise open that beak; they squeal excitedly, desperately trying to get that elusive rub

24 October 2011

Eric! A trip to the beach

Eric! A trip to the beach

Well, not quite the beach... The three babes are now getting on for 500g, and spend much of their time clamouring for more food. Their distinct personalities are showing through well. Number 1 is (to me) perfection! (She) is ever so statuesque, graceful

20 October 2011

Eric!! The flamingo take over

Eric!! The flamingo take over

As you may already have seen in the paper or on the news, we are hand-rearing 3 Chilean Flamingo chicks! After a wet patch in mid August, several of the female Chileans were a little late in settling down to lay their eggs. Whether it was because the pare

5 October 2011

Some last minute specials!

Some last minute specials!

The birds are trying as hard as they can to keep the season going. From a late clutch of Abyssinian blue-winged geese delivered courtesy of Rosemary Sharp, to a late clutch of African white-backs in our breeding aviaries. I just love both species. The Ab

1 October 2011

The European eider

The European eider

"Ow-woo!" Common Eider are so adorable... They are so big and fluffy with their chocolate brown down and so distinctive with that miniature replica of their adult beak that there is no mistaking them. Even as ducklings they emit that wonderful "ooh ooh" n

14 September 2011

Freckled ducks!

Freckled ducks!

My current favourites (I know it changes!) are these wonderful Freckled duck. Foiled last year by the bizarre, dedicated and intrepid efforts of a broody Maccoa, Mrs. Freck finally got to incubate her own eggs! In 2010 her previous clutch was rolled pain

10 September 2011

Eytons whistling duck nest

Eytons whistling duck nest

Every year it is my job along with the rest of the team to coerce our birds into breeding. We fill up aviaries with prime examples of species and provide all the necessary boxes and habitat to orchestrate the laying of eggs. Whilst these basics are stand

29 July 2011

Nesting news

Nesting news

Spring has well and truly sprung at WWT Slimbridge. Species are so impressed by the weather that some very early clutches are being lovingly created in the undergrowth here there and everywhere. The African Yellowbills started the early egg trend on the 3

29 April 2011