Sightings - Slimbridge

High tide counts

High tide counts

The team made a coordinated high tide roost count this morning to get an accurate picture of how many waders are currently with us

28 September 2022

Curlew Sandpiper count

Curlew Sandpiper count

Top New PieceAt least 14 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers were on the flood with a flock of c350 Dunlin, 7 Ringed Plover, at least seven Little Stint, 12 Snipe, a Green Sandpiper, 8 Ruff, 3 Spotted Redshank, 4 Black-tailed Godwit and 300+ Teal were also present

25 September 2022

Thursday 22 September sightings

Thursday 22 September sightings

RushyThe work continues at the back of the Rushy, the excavator is on site and has begun pond/island/landscaping and the work part have been strimming, raking and collecting. This work will continue tomorrow. A Little Grebe has been on the top pond all da

22 September 2022

Today's sightings and seasonal habitat works

Today's sightings and seasonal habitat works

Wildfowl and Waders on South Lake/Tack Piece/Top New Piece All sites are hosting flocks of Teal, Pintail, Wigeon, Black-tailed Godwit and Snipe.Three juvenile Curlew Sandpipers have been touring the scrapes today, they have been seen in the Rushy, South L

21 September 2022

Feeling autumnal

Feeling autumnal

There is a definite chill in the air this morning, with a cool breeze and hedgerows filled with berries, it is feeling very autumnal

15 September 2022

A Canteen of Spoonbills

A Canteen of Spoonbills

Yes, apparently a 'canteen' is a recognised collective noun for Spoonbill!

14 September 2022

Big tides over weekend

Big tides over weekend

We're seeing a series of big tides at present, with a good selection of waders on the estuary being pushed on to the Top New Piece

12 September 2022

A day of reflection

A day of reflection

We are deeply saddened to hear about the death of Her Majesty the Queen. Our thoughts are with her family at this time, and with the entire nation as we remember our monarch after a life of extraordinary service.

9 September 2022

The rides are ready

The rides are ready

On Wednesday we cut the rides in the reedbed outside the Zeiss Hide, ready for the winter. On their first full day they were already attracting a certain species...

8 September 2022

Osprey seen again

Osprey seen again

An Osprey was seen again this morning, in flight low past the Kingfisher Hide

7 September 2022

Bluethroat and Black Terns

Bluethroat and Black Terns

The male Bluethroat reappeared at Middle Point this morning and was seen again at approx 2.15pm. An non-breeding plumage adult Black Tern flew downriver with a flock of terns, the mixed flock consisted mainly of Common Terns but at least one adutl Arctic

5 September 2022

Juvenile Little Stint dropped in

Juvenile Little Stint dropped in

A juvenile Little Stint dropped in to the Rushy this morning, and there are a great selection of other waders around the reserve too

2 September 2022

Winter ducks arriving

Winter ducks arriving

This week we've seen several Wigeon and the first Pintail of the season arrive, with Teal numbers also increasing

1 September 2022

Busy with waders

Busy with waders

The reserve is very busy with waders this weekend, including Knot, four Spotted Redshank and a Wood Sandpiper

29 August 2022

Get to grips with waders

Get to grips with waders

We've a great selection of waders on the reserve and across the estuary at present, with more to come as migration continues

25 August 2022