Sightings - Slimbridge

Two Glossy Ibis remain

Two Glossy Ibis remain

Both Glossy Ibis have been seen again this morning, one in the usual place by the canal, the second bird from the Zeiss Hide

8 April 2022

And now some windy weather

And now some windy weather

A rather windy start to the day with birds adapting to the conditions as the sunshines through

7 April 2022

It's a wet one

It's a wet one

A grey start turned to a wet lunchtime today, but there are still plenty of birds on offer from the shelter of the hides

6 April 2022

Little Gull

Little Gull

South LakeA variety of gull species and ages to look through. Mediterranean Gull pictured.Late afternoon an adult Little Gull, 2cy and 3cy Mediterranean Gull, 10 Common, 8 LBB and 54 Herring Gulls, up to 9 Cattle Egret on and off, Kingfisher on deep lake.

5 April 2022

Double Ibis

Double Ibis

Glossy IbisOur regular wintering Glossy Ibis settled in a routine after giving everyone the runaround for a few weeks, it favours the roadside fields near to the canal and has visited this area daily since before Christmas. In recent days speculation that

4 April 2022

April delivers the coldest night since January.

April delivers the coldest night since January.

The cold night certainly seemed to have an impact on the breeding/territorial activity around the reserve, the Black-headed Gulls abandoned interest in the colony, Lapwings and Avocets formed 'winter' flocks again and ice covered much of the shallow water

3 April 2022

Influx of first summer Black-headed Gulls

Influx of first summer Black-headed Gulls

Numbers of Black-headed Gulls increased with 260 first winter/summer birds arriving to feed in the fields and floods and rest on South Lake. At least 370 birds were counted mid-morning. Estuary TowerA light Meadow Pipit passage Northbound (16 birds in 10

30 March 2022

First Swallows of the year

First Swallows of the year

Our first Barn Swallows arrived today, initially two birds feeding over the Long Ground with Sand Martins but by mid morning numbers of both species increased, they fed over the South Lake and visitor centre though the day.Passage MigrantsFive Arctic Skua

29 March 2022

Kingfishers are still digging the nest hole

Kingfishers are still digging the nest hole

Kingfisher HideThe pair of Kingfishers continue to excavate the nest hole opposite the hide. Picture by Lisa Presland.South LakeA second and third calendar year Mediterranean Gull, 135 Black-headed Gull (52 pairs), 2 Little and a single Great Crested Greb

28 March 2022

First Willow Warbler of the year

First Willow Warbler of the year

Willow WarblerA Willow Warbler was in the blackthorn bushes below the Estuary Tower at lunchtime today, this row of trees has come into blossom and is attracting numerous insects. The weather in Spain and light headwinds in the UK seem to have stalled mig

27 March 2022

Jack is back

Jack is back

Jack Snipe on the cut rush island from Martin Smith Hide with a Common Snipe.

24 March 2022



GarganeyOur first pair of Garganey (picture from library) arrived today, these summer visitors are always a welcome sight. A pair were resting and feeding on the Tack Piece for much of the day.Tack PieceSpoonbill, 3 Snow Geese, 15 Shoveler, 2 Lapwing, 2 O

23 March 2022

Spoonbill and a few passage birds

Spoonbill and a few passage birds

PassageA Brambling flew over Estuary heading NE, our first Sanderling of the year was on the rising tide with 20 Dunlin, a Grey Plover was also seen with 6 Ringed Plover on the far 'saltpan' pool on the Dumbles. Four Little-ringed Plover were seen again,

22 March 2022



Estuary TowerFour Little-ringed Plover flew low past the tower in the direction of the South Lake and appeared to drop in, another was calling in flight with Ringed Plover and eventually ended up on the mud in the middle of the Tack Piece. At least five R

21 March 2022

March 2022 WeBS count

March 2022 WeBS count

WeBS Count14 Cormorant, 9 Little Egret, 4 Great Egret, 6 Cattle Egret, 3 Grey Heron, 1 Bittern (hunting voles along a hedge but not viewable from any hides), 11 Cranes, 125 Mute Swans, 2 Pink-footed Geese (Dumbles), 207 Russian and 2 Greenland White-front

20 March 2022