Sightings - Slimbridge

What do you do on a rainy day....

What do you do on a rainy day.... come to WWT Slimbridge.Yet more heavy rain has raised levels in the field causing soil invertebrates especially worms and leather jackets to become more accessible to the vast flocks of wintering wadersWadersA massive build up of Golden Plover over

19 December 2020

Some welcome sunshine

Some welcome sunshine

After a rather wet Wednesday, this morning's sunshine was a welcome change

17 December 2020

Cackling Goose hide and seek

Cackling Goose hide and seek

A couple of brief sightings of the Cackling Goose today

13 December 2020

Cackling Canada

Cackling Canada

An interesting set of Geese this week

12 December 2020

This Weeks Summary 28.11.20

This Weeks Summary 28.11.20

This Weeks Summary 28.11.20

28 November 2020

This weeks summary 21.11.20

This weeks summary 21.11.20


21 November 2020

November 2020 WeBS count

November 2020 WeBS count

Results of the November Wetland Bird Survey Count

17 November 2020

This weeks summary 141120

This weeks summary 141120

Strangely quiet here with no visitors but the winter birds continue to arrive. A succession of wet days has allowed water levels to creep up throughout the site and the birds have been re-acting to this.

14 November 2020

End of week summary

End of week summary

Unfortunately the site is now closed for the lockdown period, but our work continues on the reserve

6 November 2020

Calmer conditions

Calmer conditions

A much calmer day after the stormy weather this week

3 November 2020

Blustery birding

Blustery birding

The blustery weather brought a Black-throated Diver upriver

1 November 2020

More rain and wind, Dumbles looking great.

More rain and wind, Dumbles looking great.

More rain and wind, Dumbles looking great.

31 October 2020

A drizzly end to a wet week

A drizzly end to a wet week

Numbers of wintering birds continue to increase despite the wet weather.

30 October 2020

Wigeon on the move

Wigeon on the move

The main Wigeon flock has relocated from the Dumbles to the Top New Piece

26 October 2020

The wheelbarrow is back

The wheelbarrow is back

Our trusty wheelbarrow has been back on the Rushy again as we get ready for winter

25 October 2020