Sightings - Slimbridge

January WeBS Count

January WeBS Count

13 January 2020 Wetland Bird Survey results182 Mute Swan84 Bewick's Swan128 Russian White-fronted Geese8 Pink-footed Geese511 Greylag Geese581 Canada Geese201 Barnacle Geese452 Shelduck3312 Wigeon111 Gadwall1402 Teal813 Mallard829 Pintail265 Shoveler172 P

14 January 2020

Another Goosander

Another Goosander

The Top New Piece flood hosted a female Goosander this morning, this record hot on the heels of the trio seen last week. The Bottom New Piece held grazing Canada Geese this morning but the ever increasing flock of Egyptian Geese, now up to nine wasn't qui

5 January 2020

More Swans

More Swans

RushyA trickle of new Bewicks Swan over the past few days counts now up to 89, (86 on Rushy overnight). Lively in here with Pochard moving out to other parts of the site 46 left by 10.00, Pintail 76. Four snipe were on the lower pool and a Water rail appe

4 January 2020

New Year's Day 2020

New Year's Day 2020

At least 77 species recorded from the hides today.Rushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryThe female Goldeneye remained on the pond for the day. A new single parent Bewick's Swan family arrived today taking the total to 87 on site.Martin Smith HideAt least 7 Snipe on

1 January 2020

73 species of bird on the hide round including Goldeneye!

73 species of bird on the hide round including Goldeneye!

The last day of the year offered up a couple of scarcer winter visitors, a female Goldeneye materialised among the throng of diving ducks on the Rushy and the Merlin was seen again for the second day running on the Dumbles, this time managing to catch a p

31 December 2019

Two Marsh Harriers

Two Marsh Harriers

After a rather misty and murky start it transformed into another sunny and mild day with excellent light for viewing. Birds of prey responded with Merlin, Peregrine, Kestrel, a few Buzzards and now two MARSH HARRIERS on the reserve. The latter birds were

30 December 2019

Warm for late December

Warm for late December

A very mild and sunny late December day!White-frontsA roaming party of c30 White-fronted Geese were in the Bottom New Piece first thing this morning, thye had a single Egyptian Goose for company, this flock took flight, probably due to activity along the

29 December 2019

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

Estuary TowerMarsh Harrier to north also 2 buzzards and a kestrel. The pinkfeet were on the lower Dumbles and whitefront flock away to north. There were 230 wigeon close on the Dumbles scrape and 100s more on the estuary with at least 60 pintail, good to

28 December 2019

360 Blackwits

360 Blackwits

Zeiss HideA magnificent flock of 360 black tailed godwit on the Top New Piece also 430 lapwing, 600 Teal, 47 Wigeon. Very mobile 190 Dunlin and 14 snipe crammed onto a small rushy island at the north end.Tack PieceWigeon 360, whitefront flock (80+) to nor

27 December 2019

Sunny Sunday (at last)

Sunny Sunday (at last)

Lots of birds looking great in the sunshineRushy Bewicks 72 overnight now moving into the Tack Piece. Pintail 50 and Pochard 86, a couple of Snipe on the left bank.Zeiss HideProbably the best spot today. The field is full of Lapwing (620), Dunlin 37 a flo

22 December 2019

Golden Plovers in the sunshine

Golden Plovers in the sunshine

Great to have a little sunshine at last and the birds looking great.Tack PieceA flock of Lapwing and Golden Plover at least a 1000 of each but very mobile with some great aerial views. The 470 Dunlin a handful of Curlew and a single Blackwit were a little

21 December 2019

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Zeiss HideBlack Tailed Godwits 341Wigeon 67Teal 664Shoveler 5Pintail 11Gadwall 2Snipe 8Lapwing 131Kingfisher Hide - Bottom New PieceDunlin 110Lapwing 323South Lake Discovery HideShoveler 55Pochard 69Tufted Duck 19Snipe 2Cormorant 5Common Gull 2Martin Smit

20 December 2019

Thursday sightings

Thursday sightings

Rushy Hide68 Bewick's Swans on site today, many left early to feed in the Tack Piece and Goose House Ground. Tack Piece34 Bewick's Swans on the field and flood by 0815am, 170 Canada Geese, 57 Redshank, 18 Ruff including the leg-flag/ringed bird, 22 Shovel

19 December 2019

December WeBS Count

December WeBS Count

The Wetland Bird Survey Count revealed the following totals...153 Mute Swan, 66 Bewick's Swan (Rushy at dawn and dusk and fed in Tack Piece and Goose House Ground),67 Russian White-fronted Goose (Goose House Ground)2 Greenland White-fronted Goose (as abov

15 December 2019

Oystercatcher at high tide

Oystercatcher at high tide

Estuary TowerA dark, dank and damp day may well have been the reason some of the roosting birds were late to leave for feeding grounds. The high tide period this morning was fairly productive with a good roost of 322 Curlew on the Dumbles. A non-breeding

12 December 2019