Sightings - Slimbridge

WeBS count and Cattle Egrets again

WeBS count and Cattle Egrets again

At least two Cattle Egret remained on site today, one was seen early morning on the South Lake with two again among the Longhorn Cattle on the Top New Piece. The adult Spotted Redshank (pictured) has returned and was on the Tack Piece scrape, we have allo

15 September 2019

A grey start

A grey start

A rather miserable looking morning but a few nice birds around to brighten things up

11 September 2019

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

Hen HarrierWe are pleased to be hosting a juvenile Hen Harrier this morning, this mobile bird has been seen hunting near to and over Middle Point and has also visited the North end of the reserve, the spartina island and Dumbles foreshore. It was mobbed b

10 September 2019

Spotted Redshank arrive

Spotted Redshank arrive

Two Spotted Redshank have arrived today, one seen and heard arriving from the North as it flew down the etuary and toward the scrapes, an adult and juvenile were locarted on the Rushy but moved to the South Lake where the adult settled in to roost among t

9 September 2019

Good day for raptors

Good day for raptors

A sunny September day usually leads to numerous raptor sightings, the Wild Safaris proved this to be the case today. 5+ Buzzard, 2+ Hobby, 3+ Kestrel and Sparrowhawk were all seen on the 11:30am-1pm session. We also logged a Great White Egret, 2 Little Eg

8 September 2019

A spotted surprise

A spotted surprise

A Spotted Flycatcher was an unexpected surprise this morning, perched up on the hunt in the reedbed in front of the Zeiss Hide

6 September 2019

Monday birding

Monday birding

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide Greenshank, 56 Lapwing, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 juvenile Ruff, 180 Teal, 5 Wigeon, 2 Grey Heron and the Barnacle and Canada Goose flock until they moved off toward to the Dumbles.South Lake Juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 12

3 September 2019

September arrives

September arrives

On duty reserve wardens were occupied with events all day yesterday so we never found time to update the web pages so a double update today. Both yesterday and today have certainly had an autumnal feel as we slip in September. The hedges are full of rovin

2 September 2019

Waders and winter waterfowl.

Waders and winter waterfowl.

South LakeGreylag 400+Shoveler 19Gadwall 23Teal 115Tufted Duck 17Cormorant 8Lapwing 28Little Ringed Plover 1Black Tailed Godwit 308 roosting birds.Ruff 8Redshank 38Snipe 1.RushyGreylag 34Gadwall 30 feeding on algae.Teal 69Little Egret 1Black Tailed Godwit

31 August 2019

Big tides weekend

Big tides weekend

Ahead of a weekend of big tides we've moved the Shepherd's Hut on to the top of the seawall, just in case

30 August 2019

Curlew Sandpipers

Curlew Sandpipers

Three juvenile Curlew Sandpiper were on the river this morning with a small flock of other small waders made up of Dunlin and Ringed Plover.

29 August 2019

Returning Pintail

Returning Pintail

Top New Piece from Zeiss and Van de Bovenkamp HidesExcellent for ducks today with our first two returning Pintail, four Garganey, 66 Gadwall, 388 Teal, 57 Shoveler and a variety of waders including 8 Snipe, 2 Green Sandpiper, 12 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Red

26 August 2019

Garganey appearing again

Garganey appearing again

Rushy HideNow the breeding season has ended we have taken the first late hay cut from the South side of the Rushy, it has opened up the views from the hides for the return passage period when ducks and waders move south ahead of the winter. We will be bac

25 August 2019

Spoonbill and Yellow Wagtails

Spoonbill and Yellow Wagtails

Summer WalkwaySpoonbill still feeding out on the estuary. At least 9 yellow wagtails with the cattle, Peregrine chasing racing pigeons, buzzard and kestrel as well. A charming flock of over 50 Goldfinch at least 70 curlew roosting 4 of which were head sta

24 August 2019

It's Rushy week

It's Rushy week

This week the Reserve Team have started the first of the big autumn cuts out on the Rushy to get the area ready for our winter birds who will soon be arriving, not least the Bewick's Swans

23 August 2019