Sightings - Slimbridge

Juvenile Wood Sandpiper

Juvenile Wood Sandpiper

A large influx of Wood Sandpipers has been notable in the UK over recent days but they have mostly been along the East coast. Many sites recorded doubles figures with 100s involved. The weather fronts didn't seem to allow them to get through to us here at

30 July 2019

Sunday sightings

Sunday sightings

Rushy HideAdult and juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 9 Green Sandpiper, Greenshank, 2 Lapwing, 3 Pied Wagtail, 5 Avocet, Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Shoveler and 4 Teal.Tack PieceGreen Sandpiper, broods of 3 and 2 Avocet.South Lake250+ Black-tailed Godwit, 20+ R

28 July 2019

Godwit Exstravaganza

Godwit Exstravaganza

South LakeA stunning flock of adult Black Tailed Godwit many close to the hide, mobile but at least 230 here this morning. The post breeding flock of Redshank numbered 47 and there was a fantastic set of Ruff, adult males in various stages of moult and j

27 July 2019

Dragons and damsels

Dragons and damsels

The sunny weather is encouraging lots of odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) onto the wing.

26 July 2019

Another Lesser Emperor

Another Lesser Emperor

Another male Lesser Emperor was seen briefly on the Wild Safari this morning.

25 July 2019



A surprise today with the first summer record of Bittern for 2019. One present in reeds below the Zeiss Hide.Rushy HideA Snipe, a small flock of Lapwing, an Oystercatcher, Green Sandpiper and c7 Avocet on the lower pond. Two Common Tern noted over top pon

22 July 2019

Young falcons

Young falcons

We've reached that time of year when young Hobby and Kestrels can be seen around the reserve, they are mainly focused on catching insects. Today at least three Hobby and six Kestrel were seen from various parts of the reserve. Good weather always makes it

21 July 2019

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

The Little-ringed Plover chicks were entertaining visitors with their high-speed foraging on the South Lake.

19 July 2019

Sightings from the hides

Sightings from the hides

Rushy HideA juvenile Common Sandpiper was with at least 4 Green Sandpiper and the Avocet broods, 3 Oystercatcher also on the causeway. Pied Wagtail pairs feeding young on the mud.Tack PieceLittle Egret from Martin Smith Hide and Knott Hide, a Greenshank w

16 July 2019

Stint in

Stint in

A few new arrivals about the scrapes today, post or failed breeding birds arriving back in the area to moult or feed.Top New Piece/Zeiss HideAdult breeding plumage Little Stint, 29 Dunlin including the first juvenile of the year, (juveniles lack the black

15 July 2019

Catch the Kingfishers at the nest while you can

Catch the Kingfishers at the nest while you can

The Kingfishers have begun to fledge their second brood of youngsters, they may only be around the nest site for another week or so, they tend to roam widely after leaving the nest. It could be it for the 2019 season unless a third breeding attempt occurs

14 July 2019

New roost site for Little Egrets.

New roost site for Little Egrets.

Tack Piece A new roost site on the northern edge of the field held 6 Little Egret this morning, 3 of which stayed in the Tack Piece to feed. Also an Oystercatcher 2 Green Sandpipers and a Greenshank in the scrape. Some great Reed Warbler activity close to

13 July 2019

A few more Green Sandpiper

A few more Green Sandpiper

We've seen a few more Green Sandpiper arrive overnight

10 July 2019

Post breeding waders arriving to moult

Post breeding waders arriving to moult

The last couple of weeks have seen adult waders returning to our scrapes and the Severn estuary, many of them arriving to complete the post breeding moult. It's great to see a number of juvenile waders also appearing in the flocks, some reared here on the

9 July 2019

July WeBS (Wetland Bird Survey) count

July WeBS (Wetland Bird Survey) count

Another warm sunny day, plenty of butterflies on the wing included many Marbled Whites (pictured). We didn't have the staff or time to cover the July 2019 WeBS count yesterday so it was carried out today. Results as follows...12 Little Grebe, 6 Cormorant,

8 July 2019