Sightings - Slimbridge

Coldest night of the winter and a Glossy Ibis

Coldest night of the winter and a Glossy Ibis

As was expected following the coldest night of the winter, bird movements about the reserve were fairly predictable. Large numbers of wildfowl continued to congregate at the Rushy and South Lake (deep lake) where open water could be found.One surprise was

3 February 2019

Snow is falling

Snow is falling

We've had a few inches of snow overnight turning the reserve into a real winter landscape

1 February 2019

Coldest night of the season

Coldest night of the season

Temperatures dropped well below freezing last night with local weather stations recording a low of -7oC leaving much of the reserve locked in ice and just a few patches of open water remaining for our wildfowl away from the river.

31 January 2019

Sunny Monday and the latest WeBS count results

Sunny Monday and the latest WeBS count results

We've enjoyed a sunny and rather calm day following a cold night. The shallow scrapes and pools were largely frozen over this morning so early morning numbers were noticeably lower than in previous days. Yesterday's Wetland Bird Survey totals were complet

28 January 2019



It was a WeBS count day (Wetland Bird Survey) so much of the morning to beyond midday was spent counting, I haven't had a chance to add up the totals from my notes but hope to do so so tomorrow.TwiteA bit of extra excitement in the Holden Tower today. The

27 January 2019

What a lorra lorra Lapwings

What a lorra lorra Lapwings

Wetter conditions attracting some good numbers of Lapwing to the site, at least 4000 on site today.

25 January 2019

Look out for Gadwall

Look out for Gadwall

A couple of degrees warmer but we still had a little ice lingering this morning.

24 January 2019

A cold start

A cold start

It's another cold start on the reserve with lots of ice around, and out on the river another big tide forecast to be 10.4m

23 January 2019

Great Whites

Great Whites

Martin Smith Hide Chiffchaff calling from the nearby trees, two birds have been seen here lately and are probably roosting in the ivy. The Jack Snipe made another appearance along with 5 Common Snipe, if you don't see it first time it's well worth return

15 January 2019

White-fronts in the Four Score again

White-fronts in the Four Score again

Rushy Hide Good roost of Bewick's Swans with 110 birds on site. One of the satellite transmitter birds (Catalana) visited Gwent (Llandegfedd/Usk) over the weekend. Martin Smith Hide No reports of the Jack Snipe today but Common Snipe, Chiffchaff and Cetti

14 January 2019

Sunday sightings

Sunday sightings

Martin Smith Hide The Jack Snipe is still proving very popular and showing on and off from the Martin Smith Hide, also 4+ Common Snipe, Water Rail and a Cetti's Warlber here and two Chiffchaff this morning. The JS has been favouring the eastern (right ha

13 January 2019

Jack Snipe and Water Rails

Jack Snipe and Water Rails

Rushy Bewick's Swan 108 Pintail 120 Pochard 110 Teal 300 Lapwing 400 Redshank 1 Dunlin 3 Snipe 7 Robbie Garnett Snipe 1 Jack Snipe 1 showing well (09.00) Great close up views of Pintail, Wigeon and Teal. Tack Piece   Whitefronted Goose 10 Close views

12 January 2019

Great Views of Whitefronted Geese

Great Views of Whitefronted Geese

South Lake Hide Good flock of 640 Lapwings with 4 Ruff, 20 Dunlin and 2 Black Tailed Godwit among them. A couple of snipe around the edges  and 240 Teal. Only a handful of Pochard and Tufted Duck this morning but 6 Cormorant and a Great Crested Grebe. Th

11 January 2019

Chilly again

Chilly again

A colder than expected start to the morning with some ice here and there.  A total of 104 Bewick's Swans were on the Rushy this morning. South Lake 10 Black-tailed Godwit, 500+ Lapwing, Great Crested Grebe, 64 Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 22 Pochard, 36 Shoveler

9 January 2019

Tuesday sightings

Tuesday sightings

Starlings- mini-murmuration this evening Yellow-browed Warbler update The YBW was still present this morning, showing well and at times calling. It was very active and mobile and actively chasing or being chased by Chiffchaff and Goldcrest. It commuted b

8 January 2019