Cattle Egret still

The Cattle Egret was still in the field by Ron Baker hide this morning but then flew distantly to the distant fields near the large cream barns on the edge of the reserve, best viewed from upstairs in the UU Hide. At least 1 Little Egret was also seen from here.

Cattle Egret in flight from Ron Barker Hide (Neil Thorneycroft)

An immature Peregrine gave a spectacular display of persistence in chasing a single male Ruff that it singled out over the Mere and chased for 10 minutes before eventually giving up! Other raptors included at least 2 Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard and Kestrel

Peregrine (1st cal year) over the Mere (Tony Disley)

Pair of Goldeneye on the Mere also 30+ Tufted Duck, 30+ Pochard 800+ Shelduck, 600+ Wigeon, 200 Whooper Swan with more in nearby fields

A male Stonechat was along the fence line from Ron Barker Hide and Treecreeper by Kingfisher Hide

Still up to 130 Ruff around and at least 1 Redshank, also a few Black-tailed Godwit, small numbers of Snipe and 1000 Lapwing


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