WeBS count and Cattle Egrets again

At least two Cattle Egret remained on site today, one was seen early morning on the South Lake with two again among the Longhorn Cattle on the Top New Piece. The adult Spotted Redshank (pictured) has returned and was on the Tack Piece scrape, we have allowed water levels to drop here as scrape improvement works are imminent.

Totals from today's Wetland Bird Survey as follows

6 Little Grebe
2 Great Crested Grebe
15 Cormorant
2-3 Cattle Egret
21 Little Egret
14 Grey Heron
87 Mute Swan
561 Greylag
65 Canada Goose
217 Barnacle Goose
195 Shelduck
24 Wigeon
72 Gadwall
676 Teal
727 Mallard
6 Pintail
43 Shoveler
2 Pochard
79 Tufted Duck
152 Moorhen
114 Coot
10 Avocet
254 Lapwing
2 Little-ringed Plover
32 Ringed Plover
254 Curlew
356 Black-tailed Godwit
13 Knot
23 Ruff
1 Curlew Sandpiper
1 Sanderling
52 Dunlin
1 Green Sandpiper
Spotted Redshank
35 Redshank
12 Snipe

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