Centre update
There seems to be a lot going on at the moment so I thought a would list a few interesting things happening at the centre:
- We have joined up to the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme which bascially means we have a commitment to allow women to breast feed at Martin Mere
- A risk assessment has been submitted for the new electric boat tours for review - so fingers crossed this will be agreed and we can finalise the planning for the boat tours
- We have been doing a lot of work on the back of swan lake to tidy it up which has included putting stone down and doing some essential tree work
- 4 tonnes of limestone grit has been put out for the swans. The swans don’t have teeth so it helps to grind down the wheat in their stomach and stops them routing and finding inappropriate materials. We use limestone as them helps the females to develop egg shells.
- We did an interview for Country Living magazine on Monday so keep an eye out for that later in the year
In other news, I am meeting over the next two weeks with all Head of Departments to do our 1 to 1 sessions and I have met with the developments team to put all the final plans in place for our interim collection plan that will involve refurbishing a large number of the pens in the waterfowl gardens. I will keep you updated on a regular basis as to what is happening and when in terms of the development.