Changing Waders

Fresher condition and the odd shower from the weekend starting to produce more waders today. Lapwing numbers are over 500 although two Peregrine hunting flushed some off the reserve this afternoon. They'll be back (Lapwings and the Peregrines!) At least 200 Black-tailed Godwit, 10 Dunlin, 10 Little Ringed Plover, 2 adult Ringed Plover, at least 3 Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Ruff, 5 Oystercatcher and 5 Snipe. Two Greenshank yesterday.

An eclipsed drake Garganey was out on Woodend Marsh and may have been present since Thurday.

Apart from the Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, 3 Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel. Barn Owl again roosting in the barn viewable from the Harrier Hide.

At least 2 Kingfisher seen today. Juvenile Mediterranean Gull yesterday, the first this year.

Easily possible to top 60+ species of wild bird in a days birding on the reserve.

If you are visiting the reserve we have a full list of the birds at the in focus shop and we should be able to point you in the right direction to get the best out of your visit.


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