Chicks and ducklings

Its been a busy day for new families on the reserve with a few new arrivals seen and some unexpected treats.  First off was a female Shoveler with 2 ducklings on the pool in front of the  Martin Smith Hide, using the loafing edges we created just a few days ago.  Along with new Avocets, Redshank and Tufted Duck young the day ended with a fledged Cuckoo demanding food from its Reed Warbler parents near the Willow Hide.

South Lake Hides

A total of 30 adult Avocet were on the scrape along with a single small chick which the parents were keeping along the shoreline and close to the hide.  A pair of Oystercatcher continue to feed a single juvenile at the back of the scrape whilst another adult was roosting on the causeway.  Passage birds include 2 moulting male Ruff, 10 Black-tailed Godwit and 29 Redshank.  A brood of 7 Shelduck continue to grow on the deep lake and a Great Crested Grebe chick was reported at the back of the lake.

Rushy Hide

The pair of Cranes were on the back meadow with their chick, 8 adult Avocet were on the lower pond with at least 10 chicks of varying size, a juvenile Oystercatcher was roosting in front of the InFocus shop, a female Tufted Duck with brood 10 was foraging along the edge of the lower pond and a female Wigeon was on the causeway.

Robbie Garnett Hide

A pair of Oystercatcher were at the end of the scrape whilst much closer roosting on the island and feeding near the hide were 142 Black-tailed Godwit and 4 adult Avocet with 8 fledged juveniles.  Two 2 Green Sandpiper were down the channel with a  Redshank and 18 Teal.

Holden Tower

The Crane pair from the Top New Piece nest have relocated their single chick to the Dumbles and could be seen foraging and feeding the chick to the south.  Further north near the Dumbles scrape were 5 other Cranes, our non-breeding flock, who also flew to the Tack Piece for a drink and a bath in front of the Stephen Kirk Hide.  A Peregrine was sat out on the cross fence.

Willow Hide

Late afternoon we received a report of a juvenile Cuckoo being fed by Reed Warbler parents.  Sure enough the bird was sat in the willows above the path near the Willow Hide, making a high pitched call to encourage its unsuspecting parents to find it more food.  The bird was usually hidden, but did give brief views out in the open.

Zeiss Hide

Waders on the scrape included 6 Dunlin, 41 adult and 10 juvenile Avocet, 14 Redshank with 2 small chicks, 4 Oystercatchers, and 69 Lapwing.  At least 126 Teal were also noted with a few Shoveler and Gadwall whilst the reedbed in front of the hide continues to be a host of activity with many juvenile warblers now starting to explore and adults singing away ahead of a second brood.

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