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Christmas Eve sightings

Rushy Hide

At least 81 Bewick's Swans present at dawn, good numbers of duck also present but the Pochard and Tufted Duck have been rather nervous, many moving to the South Lake and Long Ground Pool. Two Redshank and 10 Snipe present with large congregations of Lapwing on the lower pond.

Tack Piece

Very busy with birds although as is typical they are mobile and nervous. At least 94 E. White-fronted Geese were present all day with the Greylags and 60 Bewick's Swan fed. 1000+ Lapwing, 37 Redshank, 16 Ruff and 30 Curlew fed here this afternoon.

Flighty Lapwing

Willow Hide

Three Water Rail, Reed Bunting and the usual Blue/Great Tits, Dunnock, House Sparrow flock and Chaffinches at the feeders.

Holden Tower

At least 12 Cranes included two separate juveniles, one apparently alone, the other following an unringed adult. We will watch closely to see what is going on with these birds,

100s of Canada Geese had the adult Dark-bellied Brent with tem as well as a hybrid goose, perhaps a Barnacle x ?. The Peregrine pair were on the cross fence as usual and the Mistle Thrush was annoyed at the Buzzard for taking the top lookout spot near the Pill Box.

South Lake

A first winter male Goldeneye ( see pic) was new in, 170+ Tufted Duck, 70 Pochard, 165 Shoveler, 53 Black-tailed Godwit and 16 Ruff were also seen early morning. A single Snipe was viewable from Hogarth Hide and the drake Mandarin was in the ditch from the footbridge. A Raven was in the oaks.

Kingfisher Hide

24 Curlew, 200 Dunlin, 370 Lapwing, 320 Teal, Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, Goldcrest and Reed Bunting.

South Finger filtration beds- viewing screen

Roe Deer and Water Rail.

Zeiss Hide

500 Golden Plover, 700 Lapwing, 90 Dunlin, 70 Snipe (most roosting on the rush islands), 41 Pintail, 290 Tel, 7 Pochard, 700 Wigeon, 2 Ruff and a Curlew.

We close today at 3pm and will be closed tomorrow. The centre reopens on Boxing Day.

Best wishes to you, hope to see you over the holiday period and into the New year.

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