Coldest night of the season

Temperatures dropped well below freezing last night with local weather stations recording a low of -7oC leaving much of the reserve locked in ice and just a few patches of open water remaining for our wildfowl away from the river.

Temperatures dropped well below freezing last night with local weather stations recording a low of -7oC leaving much of the reserve locked in ice and just a few patches of open water remaining for our wildfowl away from the river.

Holden Tower
A very cold Dumbles held a few hundred geese including at least 82 birds from the White-fronted Goose flock. Also here were 256 Canada Geese and 181 Barnacles. A pair of Peregrine were sat out on the southern cross fence and at least 6 Bewick's Swans were on the river. The Long Ground Pool holds one of the few open patches of water and held 491 Teal, 9 Shelduck, 9 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, 9 Shoveler and 6 Gadwall.

Rushy Hide
The WWT Conservation and Slimbridge Reserve Teams joined up to make a catch of Bewick's Swans and duck yesterday as part of the long-term study of the species. In all 12 swans and 230+ duck were caught. As expected there were fewer Bewick's on the Rushy this morning with 74 present, the rest presumably on the river. Usually after a day they return to the Rushy to roost as normal. Other duck on the upper pond this morning included 152 Shelduck and 2 Wigeon.

South Lake
The deep lake half frozen but is still by far the busiest part of the reserve today with wildfowl including 162 Teal, 57 Shoveler, 148 Pochard, 26 Pintail, Great Crested Grebe, 247 Tufted Duck, 82 Mallard, 144 Greylag Goose, 2 Wigeon, 10 Gadwall and 18 Shelduck. An Oystercatcher was also on the island. The frozen wader scrape held 1799 Lapwing on the ice with 2 Ruff and 4 Dunlin amongst them.

Zeiss Hide
Only a flock of 224 Lapwing, 26 Golden Plover and single Dunlin were braving the frozen scrape this morning. There is no open water so no wildfowl remain here. The rush island held 6 Snipe and a further 7 Lapwing. The Rookery is busy with birds and a Great Spotted Woodpecker is drumming too.

Willow Hide
The feeders have been filled and a variety of birds are welcoming the easy food, not least at two Water Rail.

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