Coldest night of the winter and a Glossy Ibis

As was expected following the coldest night of the winter, bird movements about the reserve were fairly predictable. Large numbers of wildfowl continued to congregate at the Rushy and South Lake (deep lake) where open water could be found.One surprise was a Glossy Ibis that popped in briefly this afternoon. The sunny morning encouraged a few birds to sing such as Dunnock and Song Thrush. A Siskin flew over heading N and a pair of Bullfinch was noted at the In Focus shop hedge.

Rushy Hide

Busy with swans, geese and dabbling duck including Teal and Wigeon flocks on the ice. Only the upper pond remained ice free due to the birds moving, the inflow and having the bubblers on (underwater pumps to keep the water moving). With the thaw it was noticeable that the diving ducks began to return this afternoon. 110 Bewick's Swans have been noted over the weekend.

Martin Smith Hide

The Jack Snipe showed very well at times today plus a Common Snipe. A Glossy Ibis called in for a short visit this afternoon but flew off again. This is the first record this year. A Great White Egret was seen flying downriver over the Dumbles this afternoon but returned N a short time later.

Tack Piece

Frozen first thing but the ice began to melt around the edges allowing what waders were about to feed and thirsty geese somewhere to quench their thirst. The E. White-fronted Geese came in on and off all through the day to drink with many staying to graze this afternoon. Duck numbers increased with the thaw with a few Bewick's Swans choosing to sleep here for the day, others headed out to day roost on the Severn due to the frost and ice.

Willow Hide

Reed Bunting, Water Rail, a few Teal and 3 Snipe all fed near the feeders with the expected passerines (Blue and Great Tit, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Robin).

Holden Tower

A flock of at least 24 Skylark fed about the Dumbles scrape with two Pied Wagtail, a Meadow Pipit, two Linnet were noted. A Peregrine and up to 15 Cranes were also on the Dumbles. The E. White-fronted Geese grazed near Middle Point this morning.

South Lake

Half of the deep lake was also frozen so many duck (Teal, Pintail, Shelduck, Gadwall, Mallard) roosted on the ice with two Black-tailed Godwit among them. The open water held Tufted Duck and Pochard flocks plus a large raft of feeding Shoveler. 10 Cormorants were on the islands with a single Oystercatcher also seen. One Great Crested Grebe remained on the deep lake.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

Flocks of Snipe were feeding this afteroon as the frost and ice melted. Small flocks of Redwing and Blackbirds fed in the leaf litter in the Spinney.

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