Cranes feast continues

South lake

Great birding. The Black Tailed Godwit flock is now over 150 and the first juveniles have started to appear. There were 46 Redshank among them with at least 3 juveniles and a nice group of 4 male Ruff and a tiny female all adults. All the Cranes from the Kingfisher hide (see below) dropped in at 10.00.

Kingfisher Hide

Great views of 15 Cranes feeding on the wheat stubble. This included last years youngster(the only unringed bird). A large flock of Lapwing 76 were also there and a Heron and Little Egret were along the waterway with a Buzzard overhead. At least 6 Green Sandpiper and a Redshank were view-able distantly with a flock of 12 Ringed Plover and around 30 Dunlin dropping in at high tide.

Holden Tower

High tide at 11.30, around 70 Curlew and at least 2 Whimbrel, small waders were very mobile see above. At least 2 Little Grebe on the Knott pool and a good scattering of Warblers with Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff and a Willow Warbler recorded.

This Juvenile Mediterranean Gull is a good challenge to find among the hundreds of Black Headed Gulls that are feeding around the collection area.



The usual scattering of 6 Green Sandpipers here and a handfull of Teal.

Robbie Garnett Hide

Another 4 Green Sandpipers here with 4 Pied Wagtail and 25 Teal.

Zeiss Hide

Quite quiet here, with a large flock of roughly 120 Banacle geese being noted throughout the morning as well as a range of moulting ducks including 30 Teal and 12 Shovelers.

Yesterdays Landrover Safaris

Some great sightings with a Marsh Harrier  and 2 Hobbys in the morning. A scattering of waders , around 70 Curlews and 5 Avocet on the Estuary. Great views of Common Terns feeding young, Kestrels and Buzzards and at least 6 Grass Snakes.

Landrover Safari AM

Some great birding again today with the first whetear of the Autumn, a Common sandpiper and 30 Curlew on the estuary at high tide. The Marsh harrier female showed distantly with several Kestrels and Buzzards circling on the thermals. A Hobby was noted catching dragonflies over the reedbed where the Common terns are still feeding young. Also, the first Long tailed tit flocks containing a range of warblers as well as 4 grass snake were noteworthy.

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