
A female Cuckoo was seen in the reed bed walk area this morning, then it or another flew past the In Focus shop mid morning. The Common Terns look like they are settling down to breed again this year in the usual area of Woodend Marsh viewable from the UU Hide, also 5 Ringed Plover, 5 Dunlin and 25+ Avocet on Woodend Marsh. No further sightings or sounds from the Bitterns in the past week.

Two adult Great crested Grebe are viewable from the Harrier Hide along with the usual Little Grebe. At least 2 Little Egret around the reserve at the moment. Cetti's Warblers can be heard or seen if you are lucky/patient on the Reed bed walk area and sometimes from the Kingfisher Hide area.

A group of 8 Whimbrel were on the Mere yesterday afternoon, also at least 3 Ruff here. Little ringed Plovers continue to show well around the Mere occasionally giving display flights and seen copulating this morning.

A Barn Owl was out hunting this morning distantly. Late news from 5th May when a Grasshopper Warbler was seen/heard in the reed bed walk area. Still 3 Whooper Swans on the Mere which will be staying with us this summer. Also Pintail, Shoveler and Gadwall along with a single male Pochard on the Mere.

The change in the weather will hopefully bring in some new birds over the coming days.

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