
A good couple of days with our first Cuckoo being heard and seen yesterday and still present today, heard and seen near the Ron Barker Hide today and from the UU Hide yesterday. Other new sightings for the year included a male Ring Ouzel this morning, though no sign later today.

Whimbrel are being seen daily at the moment with small groups (10 yday & 15 today) dropping on to the Mere both days also a group of 43 Curlew yesterday with the Whimbrel.

At least 3-4 Little Ringed Plover on site with birds on the Mere and Woodend Marsh, also 2 Common Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper.

At least 8 singing male Cetti's Warbler were counted this morning on site, with most on the Reedbed Walk. Also Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler singing there.

The Bearded Reedlings were seen again this morning but can be very elusive.

For further information on where to see birds on site call in to the In Focus shop.

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