
A few sightings of Cuckoo's today with 2 being seen from Ron Barker Hide and 2 seen along the Reedbed Walk. The immature Little Gull is still present, best looked for from Ron Barker Hide but can be hawking insects in flight anywhere on the reserve.

The flock of non breeding Lapwings has started to form on the Mere with around 60 birds.

Just offsite upto 8 Yellow Wagtail along Curlew Lane this morning also Barn Owl, Peregrine, Yellowhammer and Corn Bunting.

10 spikes of Bee Orchids can be seen on the banking around Harrier Hide at the moment. Butterflies reported today include Wall Brown and Brimstone, also Banded Demoiselle Damselfly along the Reedbed walk this afternoon.

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