Curlew Sandpiper


2 Oystercatcher
8 Avocet
1 Lapwing
2 Green Sandpiper
2 Common Sandpiper
6 Black-tailed Godwit
Shelduck with large Brood
2 Crane with chick

Tack Piece

11 Lapwing
2 Green Sandpiper in the channel
16 Yellow Wagtail feeding among the cattle

Holden Tower

28 Lapwing
4 Raven
1 Buzzard
2 Peregrine
1 Green Sandpiper on the Pill Box Pool
2 Chiffchaff in the hedge in front of the tower

South Lake

3 Ruff
1 Common Sandpiper
1 Black-tailed Godwit
4 Redshank
3 Green Sandpiper
5 Lapwing
1 Grey Heron
1 Oystercatcher

Zeiss Hide and South Finger

196 Lapwing
9 Ruff
48 Dunlin
3 Snipe
3 Curlew Sandpiper on the Top New Piece, moulting from summer to winter plumage
77 Black-tailed Godwit
22 Redshank
11 Avocet
5 Oystercatcher
25 Teal
9 Shoveler
4 Common Tern
Reed Warblers showing well in front of the Zeiss Hide
Crane family showing well from the Kingfisher Hide


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