Curlew Sandpipers

A running update as news comes in today...

Five Curlew Sandpiper dropped in on the Mere briefly at 10.30am, they maybe present on site.

Four Green sandpiper were flushed by a Marsh Harrier in front of the Ron Barker Hide early afternoon. Three Little Ringed Plover on Woodend.

Yesterday a Little Grebe was seen feeding a recently hatched chick in front of the Harrier Hide, late for here.

Our resident Bearded Reedling will be changing their diet from insects to seeds in the next month. In order for them to feed on seeds they take grit into their crops to grind them up. There is a fair amount of sandy substrate in the reed bed area but the wardens have put up a grit tray next to the Harrier Hide which may encourage them in closer.

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