Ducklings everywhere

Black-tailed Godwit reflected in calm water by Ray Cottrell. (Archive picture)
Black-tailed Godwit reflected in calm water by Ray Cottrell. (Archive picture)

Holden Tower and Middle Point

Crane 1
Avocet Most have given up breeding now but two pairs defending young.
Little Grebe 2 chicks in the Knott Pool.
Little Egret 1
Curlew 34
Green Sandpiper 1 (Robbie Garnett)
GBB Gull 6
Common Tern 1 Great views in front of Robbie Garnett Hide.
Cuckoo 1 calling and view-able to back of Tack Piece
Reed Bunting 2
Reed Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat 1 on summer walkway.
Cettis 1 singing near feeding station


Avocet 8 (2 chicks)
Green Sandpiper 2
Teal 8
Oystercatcher 2
Mediteranean Gull 1 first summer.
Common Tern 2 Looks like they might try to nest here.
Grey Wagtail 1

South Lake

Black Tailed Godwit 24
Avocet 14
Oystercatcher 2 ad 1 juv,.
Gadwall 17
Little Grebe 1

Zeiss Hide

Teal 14
Gadwall 60
Shoveler 21
Wigeon 1
Avocet 21

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